Story -

Raindrops: A story of Life and Circumstance ; Chapter Ten: One Night to Remember

Raindrops: A story of Life and Circumstance ;  Chapter Ten: One Night to Remember

Carefully, the boy, Matthew, walked the remaining distance and sat down in front of us. He stared long and hard at Natalie, and her expression morphed from one of surprise to discomfort. I almost felt bad for her. She seemed very tiny and small under his gaze. Suddenly, his eyes brightened as something sparked behind them. 

 “I remember you!” He piped up, causing Natalie to smile brightly and warmly, in a way I had only seen once or twice. For some reason, seeing her make the face at him sent an irrational pang of Jealousy through me. I dismissed it with a very uncritical observance. I definitely did NOT want to question where, exactly, it had originated. She could smile at whoever she wanted to. 

 “I knew you would, I’ve...” He continued on, cutting Natalie off in the middle of her sentence. 

 “You are the two girls from the library, right?” Natalie's face instantly fell, and something broke as her eyes suddenly swirled a very dark blue. I looked with mild fascination, but the stricken expression quickly faded, and was replaced with a tired smile. Her eyes remained solid lumps of Sapphire, unfocused and drifting. Were those tears? She braced herself with a breath and closed her eyes before responding. 

 “Yeah. It’s a small world, isn’t it...” He nodded, a pleasant smile taking over his features. Whatever it was he had done was obviously lost on him. He then looked at me, and the place I was sitting. For some reason, my cheeks flushed deeply, and He put his hand over his mouth, coughing pointedly. Standing up, He offered a hand to me. I stared at it, not quite comprehending. Natalie, on the contrary, knew exactly what he was thinking, and stepped in. 

 “She can’t really... Walk, at the moment...” His face tightened with concern. He turned a serious and analytical gaze to me, as If trying to see exactly what was wrong. With a small grimace, he bent down on one knee and motioned for me to sit up. Confused, I complied. With a motion that both startled and bewildered me, two arms suddenly picked me up, and I found myself, again, resting against a total stranger. I began to blush wildly. 

 “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” I tried my best to look angry, but the small apologetic smile melted away whatever ill will I could muster to throw at him. For some reason, I just... couldn’t. I opted to frown at him instead, adopting an air of vexation. His face became reproachful, and he started to blush as well, apparently slow to realize exactly how many compromising positions he should logically not put a girl he’d only just met in. Sarah cleared her throat, causing the three of us to stare at her quiet face. She’d replaced her jacket, but she still shivered, and Natalie was not getting any warmer. 

 I didn’t particularly want to think about it, but I was rather comfortable. Matthew put off a large amount of heat, flushed as he was. I refused to snuggle up to him, no matter how warm he was. He was a complete stranger, and not even one like Natalie. It would definitely NOT be the same. And when I thought about the way we’d met earlier, I really didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. Although the thought did make me deflate slightly. He wouldn’t be the first. 

 Sarah spoke up, slightly indignant. “If you don’t mind, could we come inside? It’s rather cold out here.” He smiled and nodded sheepishly and turned around. Carefully, he carried me to the door and nudged it open with his foot, holding it open for Sarah and Natalie. The two rose to their feet and began through the door. Natalie stopped and walked up to us, a rather taught expression on her face. Something flashed under the polite smile she showed Matthew. 

 “I can take her now.” Matthew shook his head, despite the grateful look I gave Natalie. Noting his reaction, I glanced up at him, a combination of Ire and curiousness written clearly on my face. He looked at me and shrugged apologetically, before raising his head to speak to Natalie. 

 “It’s fine, I’m going to take a guess that you’re the one who carried he here from the dorms. So, trust me, I’ve got her. I won’t drop her, promise.” He reinforced it with a smile and a bright tealish blue began to buzz around Natalie’s eyes, waspish in its ferocity. I almost questioned her, but she turned stiffly and walked inside without another word. Matthew repositioned his arms, shifting my weight onto his shoulders, which, if intentional, was a very sly move. Now, unless I strained away from him, my head rested against his chest. And with the painful condition of my neck muscles, I was in no position to do so.  

 “So, is this where you live?” Sarah inquired, looking around the darkened lobby. Matthew shrugged nonchalantly. 

 “Not really, I’m just staying with a friend until the semester starts. But I’ve got an apartment out in the city.” He brushed past the two, and motioned up the stairwell. “This way. There’s no elevator, sorry
” Sarah smiled softly. 

 “No problem. Better a little legwork than staying out in the freezing rain.” Matthew’s face perked up, as If he’d forgotten something. He turned to Natalie. 

 Natalie, is it?” She nodded hesitantly, a guarded expression on her face. “Do you two just take turns carrying each other around, or were you sick too?” He looked her over, not quite convinced of her health. To be fair, I wouldn’t much be either. All three of us were still pale and flush from the cold outside air. 

 “In a way
 yes. But no, she was carrying me because I asked her to. She actually can’t walk right now.” He acknowledged the fact solemnly and craned his neck so he could look at me properly. He glanced over me with a very developed precision. The depth and intensity made me start to feel slightly uncomfortable. 

 “Are you feeling well? Being out in the cold like that can’t be good for your heath.” I laughed tiredly, then winced as the motion jarred my arms. He noticed that for sure, and the look of concern redoubled. “Do you need to go to the hospital? It’s just across town, I could take you, if you want.” I shook my head. I didn’t want to be a burden. 

 “No, I’ll be fine.” Natalie broke out of her reverie then, staring at me somewhat wide-eyed and incredulously. 

 “Fine? You
 You stopped breathing, Madeline. That is Not FINE.” Matthew glanced between the two of us, confusion growing. 

 “What happened?” He directed at her, though his eyes were locked on me, looking for something. I tried to shrink down as Natalie tried to formulate a response in her head. I really hoped she didn’t mention the fact I was sleeping in the same bed as her. That would not be
 good. I’d been embarrassed enough for one day. 

 She just started thrashing in her sleep, and Stopped breathing for a while. I did CPR, and she came up after a bit. We were trying to get her to the Office on-campus.” He nodded before gesturing up the stairs with his head, motioning for us to follow. 

 “You’re lucky I found you. The office isn’t open yet. You would’ve been walking in the freezing rain for another hour at least. But,” He paused for emphasis,” Not to worry. My roommate is a med student. We go way back. If anyone can give you a checkup now, it would be him. Just
” He sighed slightly, head drooping. “Don’t listen to anything he says, please.” I looked up at him curiously. What did he mean by that? Natalie and Sarah followed him as he climbed the stairs, keeping a safe distance in case he fell. 

 We ascended several flights of stairs, and had several close calls. Each of which, embarrassingly, ended up with me clutching onto his shirt like a frightened child. If my cheeks could be any redder, I might just burst into flames. But he simply laughed a little to himself with a satisfied smile, which did not help the situation whatsoever. After several minutes, and baleful glares from Natalie aimed for the back of his head, we arrived on the 14th floor, and a door which I assumed belonged to him. Carefully, he shifted me into one arm and knocked. I suddenly felt very self-conscious. He was doing it again
 I tried to breathe in and ignore the feeling of his arm around my waist, but it made itself known, pointedly. The door opened to reveal a very tired-looking man in his mid-twenties, topless and irritated, still very much half asleep. 

 Natalie instantly broke into a blush and looked away, while Sarah nodded appreciatively, eyes staying carefully upon his face. He didn’t seem to particularly care, but his eyebrow raised as he beheld Matthew, and me, who was held up against his side. 

 “Well then,” He began, stepping towards us with an amused smile, “I told you no girls over, and you bring three.” Matthew’s face became a similar shade of red to Natalie’s, and the man laughed. “Nah, I’m just messing with you guys, come on in. Mi casa es Su Casa.” He stepped aside, allowing Matthew to carry me in. I didn’t know if I was supposed to hear or not, but I happened to hear the comment he passed to Matthew as he passed by. “Nice catch
” I don’t know who was worse affected by the remark, me, or him.  

 As we entered the apartment, it was not readily apparent that two college-aged men lived there. It was very clean, white furniture and tastefully chosen dĂ©cor complementing the polished light floorboards. It looked more like a hyper-modern penthouse than a college apartment. Matthew walked over to the side of the room, allowing the others to enter. Which in itself was a bit of a spectacle. The older man still stood in the doorframe, forcing the Girls to brush past him to enter. Natalie’s shoulders were too broad to pass, so she had to awkwardly maneuver around him sideways, her entire face red as a beet. Sarah laughed and walked in without a hitch, even winking at him as she passed. After the two had squeezed past him, he closed the door behind him and flipped on a switch. Soft white light filled the room, emanating from artfully styled recessed lighting.  

 “So, ladies, what brings you to our humble home at this time of night, business or pleasure?” He smiled jokingly at us, but Natalie had already collapsed onto one of the pristine white sofas, hands covering her face. From the looks of it, the blush had overridden her mental faculties, again. Sarah smiled and sat down next to her, crossing her legs. 

 “Necessity. Our friend there was, is, in need of Medical attention, although her condition has stabilized nicely now that she’s warm.” The man nodded, quickly dropping the carefree attitude and motioning for Matthew to set me on the empty couch. He acquiesced, and the older man looked me over carefully. 

 “What seems to be the problem?” I took a deep breath in. 

 “Well, um
 I don’t know if this is a legitimate medical problem, but I’ve kind of gone comatose twice today. And after this last time, I stopped breathing and got really cold. Natalie had to do CPR to get me back.” He nodded, and carefully took my hand in his, turning it over, putting two fingers against my wrist. 

 “But you haven’t felt any pain or lightheadedness, no more fainting spells?” I grimaced as he raised the arm, effectively answering his question as it was asked. He pressed down along my arm, noting the pained expression each time his finger came down. “Where all does it hurt?” I looked him in the eye and sighed.  

 Everywhere. That’s the best way I can describe it. It feels like I ran a marathon. I’m sore, everywhere.” He looked at me quizzically before leaning back in the chair he’d pulled up to face me. 

 “Okay then. Well, you don’t seem to be in any mortal danger, so I don’t think the hospital will be necessary. However, for the pain, I’m a bit at a loss. Muscle soreness is a bit trickier to diagnose
 Have you been exercising a lot?” I shook my head. 

 “No more than usual.” He stood up and faced Natalie and Sarah. Natalie looked up slowly, and he walked over to them, probably knowing he wouldn’t get any more useful information from me. 

 do you have anything to add to what she said?” Both shrugged and he sighed vexedly. “Well,” he began, turning to me, “If that’s all you know, I can’t really help you...” I flashed him my best smile, although it ended up more sheepish than happy. 

 “Thanks for trying, anyway.” He smiled and sat himself on the sofa, next to Sarah. She smiled and leaned back into the couch, completely fine with sitting next to a shirtless man. Natalie, poor Natalie, she’d already gotten up and moved across the room to me before he’d even moved to sit. Sarah sighed and shook her head, as if she was disappointed, but I caught the small smile she bared as Natalie ran for cover. I faced the man, who’d already collapsed inward, hands covering his eyes. 

 “No problem. Happy to help. A friend of Matthews is a friend of mine.” Matthew, who’d been standing solidly in the corner, watching with an anxious expression, moved and sat in the seat the doctor had just vacated. 

 “Thanks Damien.” The older man nodded before getting up and stretching. Natalie, again, quickly found something else to look at. I almost felt bad for her. Was she always like this around men? A quick urge came up to tease her about it, but I resisted. She was flustered enough as it is, and she’d been through enough for one night. Sarah, apparently, had other ideas. She got up from her couch and moved next to Natalie, grinning devilishly. 

 What’s wrong Natalie, don’t appreciate the physique?” Damien laughed quietly at the now collapsed form of Natalie on the couch. I was tempted to join in, but fought to stay composed. Sarah quietly watched Damien leave the room before turning towards the rest of the group. “And that, Madeline, was revenge for this morning.” Matthew looked at her curiously. 

 “What happened this morning?” He asked, completely innocently and without any hint of suggestion. I stiffened and threw a ‘Don’t you Dare’ glare at her. She just smiled even wider before turning to Matthew again. 

 “Oh nothing
” She leaned in to whisper a little closer. “I just walked in on them in bed.” Matthew suddenly sat ramrod straight, his face coloring quickly as I leapt to tackle Sarah, not remembering the fact I couldn’t move. The end result was me flopping forward like a fish, falling off of the couch in an awkward jumble. Thankfully, or unfortunately, Matthew was nearby. His arms quickly managed to save me, wrapping under my arms and around one of my legs. It was just then, of course, that Damien entered the room again, clad in a black t-shirt. He took one look at the
 compromising position and started laughing uncontrollably. I suddenly felt very, very warm

 “Well, I thought you’d wait a little longer, Matthew. You haven’t even fed her yet.” I was just
 so done. I think that, if I could’ve, I would have melted into a puddle right about then. And, from the look on his face, Matthew was in much the same boat. Sarah was exuberant, and I mentally made a note to pay her back somehow. Natalie was the strangest though, she was simply looking at us, a strangle blend of Blues cycling around her Irises. Her face was deadpan, almost tilted into a frown, but a very complex expression, as if she was thinking deeply. 

oh, shut up.” Matthew struggled to murmur, eyes carefully avoiding any part of me that was not my face. I appreciated that, at least. With little discernable effort, he hauled me up and helped me onto the couch again, which thankfully went off without a hitch. Still flushed, he sat back. Carefully, he raised his head to me, a curious stare, as If he was thinking too. There were too many introspective people around
 Damien went under an archway to what I assumed was a kitchen. 

 “So, have any of you eaten yet?” He called out, which Sarah took as her cue to leave others to clean up the mess she’d unceremoniously dumped on the three of us. With a knowing wink and a wave, she walked to where Damien had disappeared. Matthew cleared his throat and looked at me again. He put one hand behind his head and sighed, trying to defuse the blood that was undoubtedly rushing to his face. 

 “Sorry about that.” I smiled, trying to convey gratitude, while simultaneously trying to help him avoid an awkward apology. He returned it wearily and his gaze faltered as he glanced at Natalie. He looked at me again, and I could see the questioning in his eyes. I mentally cursed Sarah, damning her to burn her hand flirting with Damien. I squared him up, not quite knowing if he would ask, or just let it go. It was almost amusing to watch the small battle raging inside him. Eventually, it seemed like his reluctance won out, and he dropped his hand to his side. 

 He was cute, I supposed. There was something to be said for his smaller frame, which, even without being overly bulky, had still managed to carry me up seven flights of stairs. And he wasn’t obnoxious, like some other men who thought they would get lucky. His face, on the other hand, had almost a simple innocence to it. If I was honest with myself, and stopped thinking like a cynic, he’d probably not even thought of that. He may have just been trying to help. That, I could respect. Most men had only tried to help when they thought there was something in it for them, or at least, in my experience. I’d met countless shameless playboys like Damien, and even more predatory men than James. Honest guys were hard to find. I’d only ever found one, and even He’d kept his secrets all too well. Suddenly, I stopped, pausing for a moment to analyze my thoughts. 

 What was I doing? My cheeks suddenly heated up, and he looked at me curiously. I closed my eyes, trying to dispel certain thoughts from crossing my mind. He was a stranger, not an interest. I smiled ruefully and he responded, chuckling in a somewhat awkward half-smile half-apology. That was not where this was going. No way. I tried to sit up straighter, but the pain brought me back down, and I silently cursed. This was becoming quite annoying. Not only could I not move, but I had to sit here, at the whim of Natalie and Matthew. I really hoped this would sort itself out, or I was going to go mad.  

 Seeing the flash of pain across my face, Matthew turned those stupid concerned eyes on again. Quietly, he stood up and made his way over to me, before kneeling down again. I smiled, but in a ‘god help me’ way as my heartrate spiked erratically. Was this another symptom? My mind raced along with it. This was completely irrational. I reined in my galloping thoughts. Not so fast. I breathed in and smiled again, this time more wearily. He looked up at me and fished something out of his pocket. My eyes caught on the item and my breath caught. How had

 It was the velvet ring case. My heart stopped. Where did he get it? I was fairly, no, definitely sure it was still sitting on the bedside table in my dorm room. There was no way. Natalie froze too, looking at it. Surely, she was thinking the same thing. He held it out to me, and I just stared at it. How was it even possible? I had to know. 

 “How did you get this?” His face heated quickly, muttering and stumbling through explanations. I fixed him under close scrutiny, and he stopped mumbling. Quietly, he held it out again, hands shaking. He looked panicked, very much so. 

 “It sort of
 fell out of your pocket. I didn’t know if you wanted
 her to see it or
 not.” Natalie fainted, she fell back on the sofa, eyes closing as her face clouded. I smiled apologetically, the broken tension in my mind quickly becoming even more heated. So that was what he’d been thinking. Of course. Why did this keep happening to me? Matthew looked worriedly at Natalie and then his face fell as he looked to me. I was much too embarrassed to even speak at that point. My blood pressure felt like a jackhammer. I couldn’t even begin to comprehend the sadness in his expression. I mustered my thoughts, trying not to hyperventilate, or die from the blood rushing to my head. 

 I think, you might
” I stuttered, not knowing how to speak suddenly. He’d gone way out of it. In the background, I could hear Sarah laughing wildly. My eyes darted up, and she and Damien were both peeking around the corner, wide smiles plastered onto their faces. 

 “Just say yes!” Damien shouted to me from the kitchen. Matthew whirled around, and then, noting them, glanced back at the ring. I didn’t even want to know what emotion he was feeling as he all but flung the ring into my lap and stalked towards the hall. All I could see from the angle I was at was the very red shade his face was fixed in. As he walked into what I assumed was his room, he turned to open the door. And I could’ve sworn a tear rolled down his face. 

 As it was, however, I really was in no fit state to start wondering about what he'd felt. I cradled the small velvet box in my hand, mind softly whirring in the background as it tried to put pieces together from where they'd ever fit in the first place. I tried to look over the memories that falsely planted themselves in my mind. I did not have this with me when Natalie had carried me out. Of that I was sure. I'd seen Natalie put it on the nightstand when I was carried in by Sam. So, there was no way It was in my pocket. Natalie was till haphazardly lain across the sofa, although she was starting to come around. She tried sitting up, resting an arm wearily on me. I winced, but she didn't notice. Instead, she held her head against her other hand and tucked herself up onto the couch.  

 "I'm just... going to rest a little bit, I think." I nodded, and Together we plopped onto the back of the sofa. It had been a long, and very emotionally taxing day for both of us. Me, for having to deal with the consequences of having a total breakdown, and then proceeding to share my life with a practical stranger. And Natalie, for not only dealing with an emotionally, mentally, and possibly physically unstable lunatic who saw ghosts, but trying to help said lunatic. Overall, It was far more than should have happened over the course of twenty four hours, but here we were.  

 Fully aware of the stares being leveled against us, I leaned over, and we rested our heads against each other. To hell with them. They could think what they wanted. I let that sink in slowly, and the redness and embarrassment faded away. I hadn't really ever paid attention to others anyway. Why start? And, besides, Natalie had dealt with my nonsense all day, and saved my life. If she needed someone to lean against, then I was all the more willing to comply. I owed her that much. She wasn't the only one who needed it, either. I felt drained and physically exhausted from the simple task of sitting up straight. I needed the rest as much as she did.  After a while passed of us sitting in silence, I began to hear a suspicious sound emanating from Natalie. I didn't turn my head, but I tried my best not to laugh at the sight that was surely available just to my left. Natalie was snoring softly. Mindful of her long and strenuous day, I laid her in a more comfortable position behind me, scooting forward on my seat. 

 Steeling myself mentally, I prepared to get to my feet. I was tired of being carried around like an Invalid. It was just a little soreness. I could work past it. I just needed to walk it off. I tried to rise, propping my feet against the floor and applying force downwards. As I stretched the muscles in my calf, however, a lance of pain shot up my leg, making me grit my teeth and grunt slightly. I wouldn't give up. Just a little pain. I heard Natalie sigh serenely behind me and I smiled through the pain. She was something else, for sure. I tried more quietly, resolving, at the very least, to move to another chair. She needed more rest than I did. It was awkward, but I managed to half hop, half drag myself into the spot that Matthew had occupied. I sat back, sighing outwardly in relief. At least I wasn't totally helpless. One step closer. 

 Gripping onto the back of the chair, I swung my legs across again. This time I stood. I was shaky, and my arms were quivering with the effort, but I was standing again. That was a start.  Cautiously, I moved my one foot into position, shifting my weight onto it experimentally. It held up, and I moved the other one, hand still firmly rooted onto the back of the chair.  Shaking still, I tentatively let go of the chair and took a step. It wasn't that bad. Or, at least, the pain was manageable. Or so I thought. 

 With another shaking step forward, I almost bit my tongue as my left leg spasmed, sending me to the floor. The soreness hurt more than the impact, to be honest. It still hurt though. Everywhere hurt. I looked blearily at the couch, hoping I hadn't woken Natalie up. I heard her gentle breathing in the distance, so I assumed she'd slept through it. In a rather pathetic way, I pushed myself up on all fours, every muscle burning in protest. If I ever got my hands on that stupid witch again... I cursed, quietly, as I tried to rise to my feet. In my current state, I really couldn't do anything to anyone, could I? All I could hope for is for whatever she'd done to wear off quickly. I heard the soft click of a door opening, and I groaned softly. I would have preferred to keep my humiliation private. 

 Certainly not what I got as Matthew rushed out again, reaching for me. 

 "If you pick me up again, I swear... I'm going to hurt you." He paused, mid-grasp, hands till hovering around my waist and arms. He balked, and, craning my head, I could see the indecision in his eyes. He wanted to do something to help, and, from the look of it, he wasn't going to give up so easily. I sighed out before dropping my head slowly. Why couldn't all men be obedient pushovers? I gritted my teeth and swallowed my pride. I wasn't going to get anywhere on my own, was I? Reluctantly, I released a long breath. "Help me up, would you?" Without hesitation, he extended a hand, which I took begrudgingly. As much as I wanted to snap at him as he hauled me up and draped my arm around his shoulder, I didn't. Nor did I comment when he protectively wrapped his free arm around my waist. As much as I disliked it, it was the only solution in which he didn't carry me around like a bride on her honeymoon. And, considering my destination, I'd much rather avoid any more pointed jokes at the hand of Sarah. 

 "Are you sure..." I cut him off with a shake of my head, shushing him and gesturing to Natalie. He took the cue and dropped his voice into a lower and quieter tone. "Sorry. Are you sure you don't want to just lay down for a bit? You look a little unsteady on your feet there." He smiled apologetically to meet my vexed glare. I shook my head, gesturing to the kitchen. 

 "If you don't mind, could you help me to the kitchen? I need to talk to your roommate." He nodded and began to help me take small steps forward. I blushed slightly each time I stumbled, causing him to tighten his arm around me. I was not some broken little toy for him to manhandle. But, he did so without a word, or even acknowledging the incidents. Although It did vex me to see the smiles he kept trying to hide. Thankfully, it wasn't a long walk, and we reached the interior of the relatively small kitchen. 

 It was warmly lit, the yellows and reds of the tiling somewhat clashing with the pristine white of the rest of the apartment. Clustered onto the small counter space where a wide variety of vegetables and spices, which Sarah was dutifully chopping into small diced bits, while Damien stood at the stove, stirring something in a pot on the burner. I cleared my throat, and both looked up at me. Sarah, to her credit, didn't laugh or jeer, or make any lewd remarks. She seemed worried, certainly, but she artfully concealed it behind deadpan disinterest. Damien simply lowered the heat on the stove top before turning to face me, comical apron still tied securely on his thin frame. The red and white cheque of the apron clashed markedly with his green and black pajamas, but if he cared, he didn't show it. 

 "So, How ARE you feeling Madeline? I tried to ask earlier, but you seemed a bit out of it. I assume you're feeling somewhat better." Damien carefully examined my pained grimace and stooped stance, and the fact I was practically clinging to Matthew, with a professional eye. He removed the apron and walked over to me, arms crossed, before looking up to Matthew. "I'm assuming you helped her in here." He nodded. Damien turned his attention to me again. "Do you feel like you could walk without him?" I blushed slightly, and ire flashed across his face. I quickly buried the reaction. It was serious time. I shook my head reluctantly. I didn't feel like testing out my leg strength on hard ceramic tile. Hardwood had been bad enough. I could already feel several spots on the side of my leg that would most likely bruise from where I'd impacted the ground. He seemed to sense this, and shot a questioning stare at me before I nodded. Kneeling down, he examined the bare portion of my legs, feeling along them. I tried to keep a straight face, and not blush as his fingers probed down the length of my leg. 

 After a while, he finished his examination and Stood again to face me at eye level. "Do you feel you can sit up on your own?" I nodded and he brought a bar stool, complete with back, for me to use. I wanted to get up onto it myself, but Matthew had already hooked his arms around my knees and lifted me up. I sighed as he placed me into the chair and held onto my arm, making sure I wouldn't fall.  I felt compelled to tell him off for being clingy, but I resisted. Even as he dragged another chair over so he could sit right beside me. Damien returned to his pot, and Sarah continued chopping vegetables. The silence weighed heavily on me, and I found myself looking, unerringly, at Matthew. 

 His face was set in a thoughtful expression I couldn't quite understand, eyes glazed and unfocused, staring down at his clasped hands. His dark curly hair hung down around his face, obscuring most of it as he hung his head in contemplation. It was almost too easy to see the gears whirring away in his mind. I couldn't help but wonder what was keeping him so occupied. Slowly, his eyes drifted to me and noticed the object of my attention. Quickly, his eyes met mine, and a thrill of panic flashed as he blushed and looked away, suddenly interested in the ceiling. To be fair, I wasn't much better off. I managed to redirect myself to the center of the room, where Sarah and Damien were combining the fruits of their respective labors. The pungent smell finally told me what he'd been cooking. A stir fry of chicken and peppers. I had thought I'd smelled Mexican food. Looking at him though, I should have guessed. Like Matthew, he had short, curly black hair. But, unlike him, had a deep tan and chocolate brown eyes.  

 "And dinner is served." Damien announced, flourishing his now empty skillet with Gusto. I laughed quietly and awkwardly nudged Matthew. He sat up straight and I immediately flooded with remorse. I hadn't meant to do that. I tried to divert the attention from him by directly addressing Damien.  
"Just a question, you seem to be really good at this. Family tradition?" He laughed to himself before returning the smile with an amused expression in his eyes. 

 "ÂĄTĂș lo sabes, chica!" He threw his pan into the air and caught it skillfully, flashing another grin. "San Antonio, born and raised." I laughed at his antics, but Sarah looked distantly by us toward the living room. I glanced over at Matthew, who had slumped back down into his chair, but was now staring inconsolably at my hand. I withdrew it and his eyes flicked back up to mine. He scooted his chair back, cheeks reddening. He smiled halfheartedly before walking over to the middle of the room and grabbing two plates. He filled one of the proffered plates at full capacity, while only moderately loading the other one. He then returned, offering the smaller of the two to me. I accepted with a muted 'thank you' before beginning to eat. 

 Despite the spice and invigorating vibrancy of the meal, the conclusion of my evening could not have been more bland. I ate the food with gusto, but was slightly disheartened for some reason every time I glanced at Matthew. He picked at his food despondently, and I couldn't help but feel guilty watching him. He had been trying to help, and I'd been nothing but snappy for the majority of the night. It wasn't his fault. It was Minnette's, if anyones. Clearing my plate, I faced him with a hopeful smile, which he returned with a civil attempt at bashfulness. He quietly rose to his feet and offered a hand. I almost accepted, but a thought crossed my mind. There might be one way to cheer him up... I sighed and closed my eyes, not wanting to do it, but seeing no other option. "I'm a little tired. Would you mind..." It wasn't four seconds before I was swept away again. Instead of going further, though, he halted unexpectedly. I opened my eyes. 

 Standing crossly in the archway between the living room and kitchen was one very grumpy looking Natalie, arms crossed and Eyes a bright shade of teal green, venomous and accusatory. I could feel Matthew shudder against me. If looks could kill, he would be under a mound of rubble by now. Quickly, she walked over to us and stared Matthew down. He shrunk back slightly. I didn't blame him, Natalie was in her scary form again. Even Sarah knew, and had quietly found a corner to press herself into. 

 "Unless you plan on carrying her all the way to your bed, I suggest handing her over. She'll be sleeping with ME on the couch, capéche?" He nodded mutely and handed me into Natalie's firm embrace. She turned away immediately, but stopped and addressed Damien, quickly whirling around. " We thank you for your hospitality, Damien, and you too, Matthew. We'll be sleeping in the living room, If that's okay." 

 "Yeah, no problem. We're glad to have you." Damien replied, possibly not sure what was going on. I wasn't either. Why was Natalie acting so protective all of a sudden? Still unsure, I was carried back to the living room, where Natalie had been minutes before. She laid me down facing the back of the couch. But instead of moving to the other end, she wrapped her arms firmly around my midsection and took up a position where her back faced outwards to the room. I felt her breathing settle slightly from the angry high it had been experiencing the whole way to the couch.  

 "Sorry, give me a minute." I thought she was talking about the incident in the kitchen, but she rolled off the couch, getting to her feet and returning to the kitchen. After a few curt phrases, she disappeared into the hall, returning with a large comforter in hand. She threw it over the back of the couch, where it would cover me entirely, and pulled the chair to where it was touching the seat of the couch. She draped the other end over it, forming an Inverted steeple over our heads. I hadn't been in a pillow fort in ages, but It still brought back some of my childhood Nostalgia. Natalie simply sighed and cuddled up against me, her every movement expressing exhaustion. 

 "There. Now you won't be cold, and I can keep an eye on you in case the Latino playboy gets any ideas." she breathed out, quietly relaxing against me. "I don't like the way they were looking at you. I've seen it before. And I won't let you go through the same thing I did." I started to form a question, but she cut me off with a tight squeeze. "Please, just go to sleep. You need to sleep, Maddie. We both do. But I won't get any until you're safely snoring away, so hurry up." I laughed quietly, but enjoyed the warmth she radiated, as well as her protectiveness. Maybe she was going overboard, but at least she had good intentions.      
That night, I gently drifted off, and in her arms, had a blissfully uneventful night. I didn't see the look that Matthew had on his face as he walked to his room and saw the little blanket castle rigged around us, nor the tears he quietly shed as he berated himself mentally for his own stupidity. I had, for the first time in years, a dreamless sleep. 

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Dmitri Rudder

The Cast Includes:


Natalie / ( Naomi )
Sarah / ( Suzu)

Hannah / ( Diana )

Now... Who can tell me what exactly this is referencing? If you don't know look up the boys name on google. Comment the missing name below. If you guess right, you'll be my best friend forever : ), Double point if you Know the Name. Sadly there is no Saero equivalent. Nephilim are so hard to write in, after all...

Thanks, K.


Another crafty and absorbing piece,
At this point, Natalie is somewhat of an enigma to me, but I love how she is illustrated!
Brilliantly written :)



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