Resiting : Indacia Pt 1.

Resisting : Indacia. Pt 1.
A Short Story by Madison Proulx 12/5/17
If youโve lived a life anything like mine, youโve witnessed barbarity and extreme poverty. A wickedness lies within us all that shows its teeth when faced with life or death. At some point you must decide the extent in which survival is important to you. What lengths will you go to to secure your safety? Will you challenge your morals and ethics? Throbbing, my head aches with a dull sensation. Occasionally firing stings to my frontal lobe. I could feel my heart thundering rapidly within my chest. Almost as if it were trying to break free. To escape from the protective cage of my ribs that were supposed to keep it safe. Unfortunately, the truth was no part of me was really kept safe. For that matter, nobody is. Since our land was conquered in year 2123, with growing wrath I have made it my sole purpose to rebel against the system. I slowly opened my weak eyes and instantly my pupil was hit with a shining beam of sunlight. Disoriented but woke with consciousness, the blur cleared, my vision focussed and I had then realized in disbeliefโฆ I made it.
Before the Nuclear Attack, Destrophe was known as a peaceful Region with beauty to be seen at all angles. Occupied by forestry with plants of many colours, wild animals free to roam as they please and a village of hard working people. It was a place of sanctuary and was home to families who had lived on the land for countless years prior. April 2nd, year ย 2110 it became home to me. In the early hours of that spring morning my mother went into a long and agonizing labour. 11 exhausting hours later she gave birth to a baby girl. After struggling with infertility for some time, mother and father were relieved to have seen their child born so healthy. The baby girl had emerald green eyes and dark straight hair. Mother called her Atom and to this day, I carry that name.
March 11th 2123 I lay fast asleep in the comfort of my bed when suddenly my ears were exposed the most atrocious noise I had ever heard. Instantly following behind, the earth shook violently. My parents ran into my room and held onto me vigorously until the vibrations went away. The three of us ran outside to the commotion of our neighbors. Unluckily for us, we were to be unkindly greeted by a swarm of men holding deadly weapons that were ready to reap us of our lives. These men were wearing green camouflage uniforms flagged with a patch on their arms I didn't recognize. I suppose we drew attention and were seen. One of them held up their guns and started yelling at us, โStay where you are or Iโll shoot!โ. My father seemingly unsurprised to see these men, didnโt listen. He started walking towards him while aggressively questioning their authority. Father was sensitive toward subjects of battle. He never spoke much of it but during his childhood, his family suffered greatly at the cost of war. A fight broke out and my mother got in between them. A gunshot blared and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I had seen they shot my father in the chest. Mother cried ballistically and begun to throw herself at the men at the attempt to cause bodily harm. She was then handcuffed and as she was being dragged away she yelled to me, โTake care of yourself and do what's right. I am so sorry Atom, we love you! โ She was then thrown into the back of a truck and it drove off. I wept over my father's lifeless body as he bled out on the pavement. Father was dead and my mother had been taken. That was the last day I saw my parents.
It turns out that a few regions over in Deyune, a Nuclear Bomb was dropped and everywhere surrounding was being raided. That year it came known that Terrortocial (Eastern Hempishere) had plans to take over the Western Hemisphere starting with Deyune and its surrounding regions. Orphaned and alone at age 13, I was ordered back to my home where Iโd spend the next 7 years fending for myself in a place of war caused poverty. Days after the initial takeover occurred, the pungent smell of death remained in the streets. It rained heavily and although the blood stained concrete slowly washed away, the trauma was there to stay. Many became sick from the Nuclear radiation, often resulting in a slow death. One World Order was implemented internationally by inducing fear in the innocent and everyone had no choice but to comply. The world was to be controlled by one totalitarian leader of the name Keilsone Mezeray. Over the years, I read articles in the paper of his troops invading regions all throughout the world selfishly conquering almost all of them. One resistance group particularly though stood out to me. โThe region that fights back.โ the articles title read. โHome of the strong, home of the brave: Indacia.โ
Now at age 20 years, I spend a lot of my time on the farm working in gardens and studying agriculture in exchange for money and food. With time the land has begun to heal itself as well as it could and being out in nature is the only time I feel at peace with some sort of freedom. In the fields I have access to the forest as well so sometimes I'd take advantage of that. Anytime else I am overwhelmed with frustration and the feeling of being powerless. It had all become all too much and I've realized that I can no longer stand by as my world was being taken away from the grasp of myself along with so many. Our once beautiful home of Destrophe has been destroyed by One World, stripping us of everything we are. I have nothing left. I remembered mother's last words to me. โDo what's right.โ So today on June 7th year 2130, I will begin my ย journey to the region of Indacia to fight against the enemy alongside the last standing bravehearts.
I knew this escape wouldnโt be easy. However I also knew that Iโd rather die trying than to rot in Destrophe with all of those afraid. I had only been out of this region a few times and even then not too far out. The thing is, Destrophe has a lot of surrounding regions which I have heard are all closely monitored by patrolling officers. If I were to be caught fleeing to Indacia, my fate would include either being taken in as war prisoner or even death alike my parents. I had to strategically plan this out but with caution. There are curfew check-ins every night so once they realized I wasnโt home, thereโd be no turning back. Iโd be on the run and there would be a search for me. After pondering ideas, I thought I could possibly go by foot during the night if I could sneak through the hole in the fence that lead to my work in the farms. Then I knew at least Iโd have a head start on them and because I know the land well, I wouldnโt have a problem navigating. My other option was to leave at dawn on the only train that comes in and out left. Though holding a lot more complications and danger, Iโve decided to go with the latter.
At home I packed a bag of some necessities. Clothes, a bit of food, and a few small personal keepsakes. I debated back and forth whether or not I should bring my fatherโs semi-automatic pistol. It was hidden under one of the creaking floorboards under my parents wardrobe. Though I was afraid and didn't really know how to use it, I decided to pack it just in case. Just in case I had to use it just to scare somebody. I sat on the floor of my living room and said my farewells to everything my life once was, and everything I had learned to hate. I was going to use those emotions as fuel to get me through my journey to Indacia.
June 8th, year 2130.
I started by foot through the outskirts of town. Carefully creeping through checkpoints I had set as goals in my head. The train station was about 50 yards away. My step forward to a potential life of freedom and prosperity was built out of iron. This iron cart traveled freely on a rail at the speed of 150 mph with the force to easily plough through any obstacle in its way. That was the power I aspired to have. The coast appeared to be clear and I took my one and only shot. I sprinted faster than I ever had in my life. Everything that was important to me depended on me reaching and boarding this train trouble free. If I failed my mission, my life would lose any bit of meaning and potential I had left.
As I got closer, I ran past the slow moving train as I looked for an open cart. I kept running and running until I finally saw my opportunity. I grabbed onto the ledge of the train and began to lift my all of my body weight when out of nowhere, I felt a grab at my legs and then I was flung onto the dewy grass. Looking upwards, my eyes laid onto a man in a green camouflage uniform flagged with a patch I had seen before. A familiar face and with the ย same aggressive approach, I recognized this man. This was the same person who reaped my parents of their lives seven years ago.
Adrenaline hit my bloodstream as if I had just taken a direct hit of heroin. I was not about to allow this man to destroy my world once again. Everything that I had held deep within me for the years prior came out at once like a downpour of torrential rain and I fought for my life. I was struck forcefully at the side of the head before I stood right back up and used all my might to kick the man between his legs. He fell to the ground and I reached into my pants pulling out the pistol father forbid me to touch. Impetuously, I pointed the barrel end towards that man and declared, โIโm doing what's right and this is for my parents.โ Firing a bullet straight through his skull. His insides scattered from his head and it was at that moment I realized that even I was capable of taking a human life. Shook to my inner core and mentally disoriented I turned away from my actions and climbed into the moving train cart headed for Indacia.