RIchard The gay vampire part 1

(So a while ago I asked my readers what kind of story they wanted and they mostly agreed on a flamboyantly gay vampire story. Needless to say this has been difficult, because I am not gay in the slightest, so I can only use what I have around me which is stereotypes and gay family members. So here finally after much delay is……..)
Richard the gay vampire
Well my name is Richard and I’m a vampire, like all little vampires I was not always this way. Once upon a time I was a rambunctious high school student.
I woke up like everybody else does I suppose, slowly out of bed after much protest. Slouching off to the bathroom to take a piss, then I get dressed semi while eating a toaster strudel. I worry about the things people will say to me, and who likes me and who doesn’t, the only difference being I’m gay, yup
Gay gay gay. I love guys and I’m named after a penis. Thanks mom and dad.
So I would ride to school with my friend Ashley’s mom because our school did not have a bus system, it felt weird not driving my own car at 18. My mom and dad thought it would build character if I paid for my own, only problem is in a town where everyone knows everyone you have to know somebody to get a job, and for the most part I kept to myself except for Ashley.
I think she has a crush on me because whenever we hang out she always gets really close and bites her lip so much it’s chapped. I don’t have the heart to tell her though she’s a really close friend, I just don’t see her that way, though I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks of me when by herself at night. I’m not grossed out by vaginas or anything they just don’t appeal to me. I like dick, something about its smooth slender form just draws to me, maybe it’s the way the smell affects me. All I know is girl just never seemed cute to me, they were just friends, I felt like I was being let in on some kind of secret the first time I changed in a locker room, well most of them were just average or gross but a few of them just wow, a few of them really knew how to take care of themselves. I’m sure none of you are interested in the mental fantasies of a high school gay man, who thinks of nothing but half naked jocks with six packs, buts that exactly who I am. So where was I? Oh yea I was sitting in the car with Ashley and she was sitting very close to me in the back seat, enough so, that she would have had to be leaning out of her seat belt and pressing into me, I figured as long as I myself don’t advance on her it couldn’t hurt anyone to let her do it. It seemed like an average day, of the average high school student, but it wasn’t I was gay, and I had yet to come out to anyone publicly, I had tried using a few websites to find others like me came close or so I thought, it always turned out to be old men, wanting young boys I like people my own age I guess.
I went in the front doors of the school, Ashley pressing close to me like I was her man, but I wasn’t.
People were staring at us as we walked by, like they usually did in there non unique way, but this time there was more of a glare to it, they were all looking right at me, none of them said anything, they just stared, as if disappointed. We sat down next to each other in our first class and that’s when it all began, even before I was turned there was the drive, the big ol push. This was that day.
We sat down in class and the jocks all walked in as a group not all of them, just the important ones I couldn’t believe I actually went to the school of the typical stereotype jock, stupid, cute. And mean. I don’t just mean a bully I mean sick. As in there was murder in their closets. The head of the group his name was Justin he was old for a high school student he had been held back twice so that the school could still have a chance with its football team, he was a heavy steroid user so he would never get a college scholarship, but they had no problem paying him to play.
 He was holding some kind of folder in his left hand and he came in with his little clique laughing the way guy like that do, and he was looking right at me, well look here bitches seems we have a little faggot among us, and we never even knew it. Did you hear me, he was looking right at me as he called me a faggot bitch, you like it up the ass you faggot? Ashley was looking at him and me with this puzzled look, poor girl had no clue, we were just friends. He slapped a piece of paper with my picture on it down on the table, on it was my profile page from a dating website, and highlighted was my sexual preference……looking for a man. He spat in my face, and told everyone in the class to get out, like sheep they listened and got out, everyone except Ashley, one of his friends, a guy named Chris pulled up a chair and sat facing her, saying poor poor ashley it’s a shame such a nice piece of ass has to be chasing somebody not even interested in what she has to offer. He began stroking her face and she pulled away, so he slapped her, I jumped up from my desk only long enough to shout, get the fuck off her! Because by the time it left my lips, Justin punched me in the face knocking me down, he followed this up with a nobody cares…..faggot. He called me this like he had just come up with such a clever way of insulting me, I knew I was gay, it’s not like he was saying anything new. I began crawling toward Ashley and I told her to run, he hesitated at first worried about me, but then went to run, at first they blocked off her escape but eventually after a few moments they let her leave.
The guy at the door closed the door behind she as she left. Justin didn’t wait to be interrupted, he began his assault by kicking me in the stomach, I felt my breakfast come inside my mouth and I swallowed it back down. I kept trying to crawl away, but they just kept kicking me first Justin, then the others joined in, my entire world became random spasms of pain, even if I wanted to fight back I couldn’t get up. They went for my face, my balls, and ass, and anywhere else they could get a blow in, shouting faggot, bitch, even nigga, though I want black, I guess that was just a lack of intelligence on their part, it’s weird when in a state of helplessness your mind drifts away so it won’t have to experience the pain. After about a hour they stopped and as my mind tried to recover I remember hearing the clicking of a belt buckle, I look up to see Justin crouching down as he pulled down his pants, saying how he was willing to be considerate, he said he’d let me go If I suck his dick, he friend all looked at him as if appalled by the idea, I thought just maybe just maybe if I do as he asks I could get away. But as I went to get up, he began to piss on my face, I gagged and fell on the ground, but he just kept pissing away, and his friends were all laughing with him, and soon they too began to piss on me as well, I was drenched in that sour smell. I began to cry, I’m gay but I’m a man and I have to have some pride, I couldn’t help myself I cried as the sour smelling and even worse taste poured down on me. I lost all will to fight. My mind drifted away, eventually they grew bored and left me there. I felt humiliated, Ashley came running in some time after and helped me to my feet, we went to the dean’s office to report the incident, only problem was the son of the dean was on the football team, and anything involving the football team does not exist, so when we told him all he had to say, I thought faggots like getting pissed on by men? I wanted to kill him right then and there, is there no justice? I felt like killing myself, how could I show myself in public after that. The drive home after school was long, Ashley now knew I was gay. She was still there for me so at least I hadn’t lost my best friend. She didn’t lean close to me like this morning, probably because I smelled like piss and was covered head to toe in bruises. Her mother drove us to her house; I called my parents and told them I won’t be coming home that night. They didn’t mind they saw it as maturing if I was staying over at a girls house, they probably assumed I was having sex all the times I stayed over at Ashley’s house but they were wrong, most of the time we ate ice cream and watched a movie while she fell asleep on the couch and I’d take the floor.
Finally when we were in her room and she handed me a change of clothes, I got in the shower and just stood under the water for hours and hours, Ashley had told her mom what had happened so they didn’t bother me about taking too long, no matter how hot I made the water of how hard I scrubbed I couldn’t get off that unclean feeling. There was no point in asking why, why did they do this? Because they are stupid, that’s why. I hated them so much. After about 3 hours the water had been running cold the last 2 I finally got out when my skin began to get sore from the swelling. I changed into my spare set that I kept there and, went into Ashley’s room. It was clear that she had been crying she had tear stains on her face, She was so beautiful for a girl, why did she cling so close to me? I sat down next to her, and next thing I knew she had pressed her lips into mine, I felt nothing. He was trying to hard to make me want it, but I felt nothing. After about 30 seconds she pulled away and said I love you Richard. I said I know, but I really am gay……..She seemed to be thinking and said but I love you and I know you just need time to trust me it’s ok I’ll wait, as long as it takes I know in time you’ll see I’m the girl for you, the perfect man. I wanted to slap my forehead but I didn’t want her to feel humiliated, so I just gave a questionable suuuure. I changed the subject to I’m starving so without hesitating she got a bag of popcorn out of her drawer and popped it in the microwave in her room and put in the dvd version of Major Payne. She was trying to cheer me up, but I didn’t want cheering up, I wanted to forget for all of this to go away, I couldn’t be around her right now. So I walked out of her house without saying good bye, she seemed to be crying again as I left the front door but in my mind at that moment she did not exist. I walked and walked staying close to the woods hoping to avoid anyone I knew I ended up in another town, and my feet began to follow dancing music, I knew where there was dancing there was drinking, I needed to drown away my sorrows. So I followed the music to a party, kids were passing around drugs, I took 3 hits of ex I didn’t care if I died, I wanted to die, in less that 5 minutes I was in a whole nother world, people were just colors blurs of pains streaked across a canvas. I was dancing jumping and drinking then throwing up on the front lawn then starting all over again, If I could do this until I die I would be so happy. At some point a older guy in his twenties came up to me, he was gay like me. I was so messed up I did not care about his age, he told me he wanted to go in the woods for some privacy. We started to kiss slow at first he grabbed my bulge and I liked it, my mind was flooded in a world of dreams of colors and now mixed in was pleasure, he began sucking and licking on my neck, I was so out of it I didn’t notice he had pierced my throat and that wet feeling was my blood pouring freely from my jugular.
Then he said something I don’t remember what, all I knew was that other people came over and began kissing and sucking on me too, I loved the attention I did not care the more they kissed me the farther away from the world I felt.
Every moment one of pure pleasure, I had no idea they were bleeding me dry, sucking out every last drop from my system, one of them a girl hand my tongue in her mouth and was sucking on it too, I tasted penny’s in my mouth and thought maybe that she had a tongue piercing and that’s what I tasted.
My mind began to leave my body and all went black, I woke up feeling like a ton of bricks were sitting on my chest and like I was freezing, I looked around me and blood had oaked everywhere on the leaves It was daylight and it hurt to look through the thick canopy. I recognized were I was, I was in bell grove we used to come up here as kids for swim meets. I went to leave the woods just to get away from whatever happened in that place were I slept, but as soon as the sun hit me I felt exhausted, dehydrated and sick to my stomach, every muscle ached and my head felt like it was going to explode. I gasped and grabbed my stomach it felt like it was lurching, I began to dry heave, I tried to run for shelter but my legs only collapsed. So I dragged myself back into the woods, and hid away from the sun. I got out my cell phone and called Ashley, I begged her to come pick me up I put on a touch of fear so she would understand it was urgent she said she had so many questions, but she would be on her way in a short bit. I hung up the phone and tried to discover why I had that fit earlier, I took off my shirt and discovered I had these holes all over me, my skin had become almost transparent, and no matter how many time I shook my head I couldn’t get rid of this thrushing sound I heard coming from every direction. Every time a bird chirped it was like a piercing stab in my ear. I began to think could I? I blew off the idea as quickly as it had come on, vampires aren’t real. I couldn’t deny last night was weird, I felt like I was starving, so hungry I needed food. I felt like I had not eaten in my entire life, I wish I had ate the popcorn Ashley made last night. After about a hour she had gotten there, she called me and I asked her to bring a thick blanket, told her I had a really bad hang over and I felt sick whenever the sun shined on me, she worshipped me so she did it, she had parked on the street and brought the blanket with her, it covered my whole body but even then when I walked out in that sun light it felt like it was 2 hundred degrees, for some reason I wasn’t sweating, and wondered if I was dehydrated. I had to lean on her wit all my weight by the time we reached the car, she kept saying it’s ok baby I got you. She really thought there was a future for us, and that somehow she could ungay me, I was appreciative of her help, she was and still today is my best friend, though once we got in her car I kept hearing a pounding and the more I tried to ignore it the worse it got, even in the car I stayed under the blanket, and I was really beginning to worry her. The whole way home she kept asking if I was ok baby, and sweetie things, and honey that. I kept thinking to myself I’m not your man. WE got to her house and she brought me inside up to her room the entire time I kept hearing a bum bum…bum bum I couldn’t make it go away, when she was walking it would pick up, then when we at down it slowed down a bit. We sat on her bed and she just looked at me, I felt I had to tell her what had happened, she told me it was ok that I cheated on her just this once, and that she trusted me because she loved me more than anyone she had ever loved before…..(crazy) I showed her my arms and my near transparent skin, she was really worried and kept wanting to get her mother, I told her how badly it affected me when I tried to go into the sunlight, she began to ramble about how her true love was going crazy and was pacing back and forth, I could smell her so strongly.
She was on her period and wondered if it was my new enhanced senses or if she just didn’t shower that morning, she sat down next to me I saw her lips moving but all I heard was the familiar bum bum…bum bum I began to lean in and sure enough she stopped talking, my mouth opened and instead of going for her lips my lip followed some unknown instinct and went for her throat, I licked the area at first and she whimpered and my teeth sank into her skin on their own, I was worried that she might pull away and I would have to act fast, but she just stayed there taking it whimpering breathing heavily like it aroused her, the more of her I drank the stronger and healthier I felt, color began to return to my skin and her arms clung to me to keep her body up. My eyes rolled in the back of my head, after about 4 minutes she tried to pull away, but I was so engrossed I couldn’t stop I was enjoying myself way to much, eventually her hands fell away from me and she went limp, but I kept salivating and drinking I needed more. After about 10 minutes I was only getting drops and reality returned, oh my god what have I done? I killed her I tried to wake her up. I held her in my arms and cried out her name ASHLEY? AHSLEY? Please wake up, PLEASE! Just then, her eyes opened and she looked up at me, and smiled I couldn’t hear or feel her heart beat like I had earlier, but she was smiling at me. Had I done to her what the people the night before had done to me? She held me close and kissed me again, this time I pulled away and told her to stop it! I’m gay nothing is changing that. She told me I know, but I believe god keep us together no matter what, even if you don’t know you love me I know deep down that you do.
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Love the picÂ
Made me smile figured I would share it
Thanks for the nomination just posted part 2 under regular stories
Aww went past 666 lol
Thank you everyone for breaking my 1000 cherry, I feel like such a slut now. I can die in peace
Awesome! Congrats Tim on your nomination!!! Oh yes and congrats on now being a slut! Haha ;)
Val ♥
See doesnt everything sound better when you phrase it as a joke? thank you val
Yes! Haha sorry had to mess with you about the slut thing. But honestly you are a great writer and I'm happy I got to meet you on this site! Keep up the good work!
Val ♥
Will do
Thank you so much though for the compliment ,meant to keep it as one post but im using my phone and its derpy