Richard the gay vampire part 2

In my head I was freaking out what had I just done? I had drunk her blood straight from her throat, something came over me and I couldn’t control it. Why does she keep thinking her and I are a couple? I thought by now it would have been clear that I am gay. She was just staring at me almost seemingly oblivious to the fact her heart was no longer beating, her skin was pale as snow and I could see her veins through her skin, her bed was stained red, I began to worry that if her mother walked in she would see this gory mess, and freak out what would we do? I did not have to wonder long before her mother walked in and immediately began to scream, I’m not sure if it was from the complexion of her daughter, or if it was the red stains all around. I’m not sure but she just kept screaming, the sounds ringing in my ears it gave me shivers in my spine. I wanted to make it stop, I began to hear the familiar bum bum…bum bum pulsing in my ears. I had to feed again I needed it. I began to step up and she fell backwards, before I could do anything further Ashley leaped at her own mother and began to feed on her, her mother twitched in the same way a pythons prey twitches before it dies. I didn’t bother stopping her even though I felt awful about what was happening right before me. My best friend was killing her own mother
After about a half hour she was dead ,just cold, there was no coming back from what had happened to her. Her mother had been so kind to me I felt so sad but I couldn’t cry. No matter how hard I wanted to I could not cry. Ashley seemed almost aroused as she stood up, it was a whole 30 seconds before she came to herself and began freaking out, saying a lot of curse words and oh my god I just killed my mother, what am I going to do what am I going to do, then she came over to me and began begging me not to be mad with her, how she couldn’t stand to lose me, like she didn’t care, that it was me who just earlier feasted on her and almost drank her dry, then came back looking just like me, and proceeded to feed on her own mother. She was pawing at my leg begging me not to be mad with her, I just stared at her with a really confused look. I was worried that she would try to turn me into the police or something, what have I gotten myself into I thought. She began to cry burying herself into my lap slapping me continuing to beg she was wiping her slobber on my jeans saying please please don’t be mad don’t leave me, I don’t know what I would do with myself. I need you, I love you Richard.
I pull her up so she wasn’t burying her face in me anymore and I held her face, so she was forced to look me in the eyes, I am gay. You and I, are just friends, I am not your boyfriend, and I never will be please stop saying that you will wait because I couldn’t bear to see you in pain over me. She looked at me as if empty minded my words didn’t even reach her, she just smiled and said it’s ok it’s ok I’ll wait I’ll do anything you ask me to, I love you Richard. It was like talking to a brick wall no matter what I did or said her opinion of me would never change. I had to get her mind off of me, We had to take care of her mother, so nobody would find the body, I can’t believe I was saying this out loud to, we have to get rid of her. She just looked at her and aid ok, were do we put her? How could was she, had I been friends with her all these years and never known? No something was definitely different about Ashley, something that I did changed her. She walked over to her mother smiling almost pleased with herself and began dragging her own mother, she looked at me and said, baby? Can you help me please? I can’t do this all by myself. I ignored the fact she called me baby and walked over to help here, we were new to this and we decided that we would store her mom in the basement until we found a place that was more suited for hiding the body.
She didn’t even seemed phased by the fact she just killed her mother, as we walked up the steps she kept trying to nuzzle against me and I kept pushing her away, I didn’t want to feed her delusion. The rest of the day we just sat there on the couch we didn’t want to go upstairs and see what we had done, or go downstairs to see her, a woman who had been so kind to me. Done nothing wrong as far as I was concerned, and what had I transformed my best friend into? I didn’t want to be around her anymore that day, but I was afraid if I left here there I would come back to something else bad happening. Before falling asleep we both agreed it would be bad for both of us if we did not go to school tomorrow we had to keep up a regular schedule before we could figure things out, we just had to be clever. Long sleeves, hoods up when outside, no sunlight being allowed to touch our skin directly. There was no denying it any longer, however unlikely it was we were both vampires. As to what; exactly that means? Is this a gift? A curse, or even a disease? Can we live with this, or are we doomed to die a horrible and painful death? We had to try to find the people who changed me into one of them. How we would do that I had no idea, as it got later and later I found myself feeling more and more energized as if my body had become already accustomed to being a walker of the night. I had to get out, tonight there was a festival and I figured among so many people nobody would notice how different we were. We would blend in just as easily as anyone else.
I talked it over with Ashley and she agreed, so we took her mother’s car and drove to what was the down town to our small little city. As soon as we arrived there we could already hear music blaring but the heart beats were like tiny machine guns, so many beating at one time like a constant thrumming I knew what would happen if I dwelled on them so I pushed it out of my mind and I told Ashley to do the same. She looked disappointed but said ok, I didn’t think she would lie to me. We began walking around hopping from bar to bar there were so many people drinking the tenders didn’t have time to id us they just poured and served. It was easy as long as we had money to pay, I found out Ashley had gotten her money from her mother’s dead corps. I surprisingly was not surprised I had already accepted that this was just how she was. As it turned out we still could drink, and could still get drunk. The more drunk we got the more difficult it got to ignore that familiar thrumming, the more we tried to fight it the more we wanted to drink, the more we drank the harder it got to fight until it was overwhelming us, forcing our bodies to pick our ideal targets I was terrified of hurting another person that I even tried knocking myself out. As it turns out no matter how hard I smash my head I don’t bleed, plus people began to stare at me running into walls, I had been at it for long enough that Ashley had slipped away and I began to panic. I tried to concentrate my newly discovered senses to find her I began praying to myself hoping that she hadn’t killed another person, not already it hadn’t even been a whole day since she had killed her mother. It was too soon for another person to die at our hands. I began to find her scent and I followed it, it was already coated by the smell of pennies and I knew she had killed somebody already and was probably feeding on them as I headed toward her. I found her behind a truck that was used to carry the rides down a alleyway, she was clinging to a man but there was so much blood, it made my mouth water. I wanted to join in. I tried to fight the urge but the thirst gripped me, I couldn’t ignore it I had to feed. I lifted the man’s shirt and bit into his sides, she was happy to share almost like a wife cooking a meal for her husband, she still believed in the delusion that I was hers. After a minute we had bled him dry I broke his neck because I didn’t want any more of people like Ashley running about. One was hard enough to deal with. Once I had come to I yelled at her about how risky it was and how we could have been caught, I admitted that I ate too but I would of preferred to do it in a place where there was no chances of being found. She began to cry and said how hard it was , and how she was so hungry and couldn’t fight it anymore. She said how there was a girl and then this guy just stumbled up, that’s when I stopped her and asked what girl. She said well I didn’t want to take somebody noticeable so I picked a girl out of one of the line rides and got her to come to me with some free ride tickets, she didn’t last very long, and she wasn’t very filling, then Justin came along looking for his baby sister and, I was so mad at what he did to my man that my rage took over and, I ripped open his throat. It just happened you know? I fell to my knees not only had she killed a full grown man just because she was hungry but a innocent child. What have I done? We have to get out of here right now I said, it would be best it we took the long scenic route back to the car. We don’t want to be seen like this. As we walked back the gears in my head were grinding the idea of killing Justin the man who had humiliated me only days before was dead, I felt relieved and disgusted at the same time. He was just trying to take care of is baby sister and she and him had died to the same hands, is this beast who has always been my best friend tamable? I didn’t want to go back to my house for fear that I or Ashley might eat my parents, this was a small town and it wouldn’t be long before people who are missing begin to bring unwanted attention. We had to think of something fast possibly move on. First we had to find a way to get ahold of the people who changed me and possibly learn from them. I looked over into the night and saw Ashley licking her lips hungrily, she definitely enjoyed this. What kind of sick person would enjoy this life?
I told her I was driving home and she took a nap as we drove back home, in her sleep she talked a lot, she started saying how this would be great if it was just me and her against the world forever and ever.
The word forever really sunk into me, we were friends, but I wasn’t ready to have her stalking me forever if we really did live forever as vampires. When we got home I carried her inside, and put her in her mom’s bed, by now her mother in the basement had begun to smell so I started digging a hole outside, I didn’t need a light, it was now easy as daylight to see in the dark, I drug her mothers corps out of the basement alone it wasn’t difficult I found that I wasn’t not stronger I just didn’t get tired from physical labor, I could use my strength to its fullest amount as long as I wanted, I was discovering new things about myself every moment, I figured it would be best not to leave a grave marker I even dug up the grass roots first so that when I finished I could let the grass grow back over, I figured it would at least buy us some time to get out of town. I went back inside, and hand cuffed Ashley to the bed post then fell asleep in the rocking chair in the room, I had to make sure that when she woke up we could talk, and that she wouldn’t do anything she was not supposed to, it was hard enough her thinking we were an item, but now she’s going around eating people. I get that we now have to drink blood or go crazy but at least we could be responsible about it. It was time to set forth some rules, but first we need to get some sleep. I had gone into the garage earlier and spray-painted all the windows on the top floor so that we were not in for a rude awakening when the sun came. I closed my eyes and found myself falling asleep praying that this was some kind of horrible dream, id wake up in bed next to that man I met at the party and id go home after some after a rave party and a one night stand.
(I would appreciate if this part 2 was considered part of part 1 and not another contest entree itself)
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I'm waiting for part 3Â
Well I go back to school next week so ill try to get it finished some time soon
Well however much I would love to do that, im going to trade school so I can afford editors, and publisher fees so im not losing my income paying back publishers, sooo many book ideas but no money
I have afternoons and weekends off so if al goes well sometime this week I will post 2 more parts