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Richard The Gay vampire part 3

Richard The Gay vampire part 3

When I awoke in the morning it was to her struggling against the hand cuff, I figured it would not keep her for very long I more so did it to wake me if she started to move, when I opened my eyes she noticed and seemed to be very disappointed that I would do such a thing. She jokingly said are you trying to tell me you want to take our relationship to the next level? I didn’t laugh, the whole I’ll wait until your no longer gay act was beginning to get old and I was getting tired, waking up during the day time was like waking up at 4 3 am to catch a 5 am red eye to new York, you just knew that even once arriving you wouldn’t get to sleep for another 24 hours. We still had to go to school and deal with everything that had happened a few days ago. I told her to sit still and that we needed to talk. She looked at me struggling at first but eventually obeyed and said what is it honey? I was trying to be friendly but she was beginning to get on my nerves. Ashley why did you kill Justin and that little girl? She stared at me in silence before finally saying that she was hungry, she had to eat. At the time she thought killing Justin would make me happy. I had to admit I was relieved that Justin had finally got what was coming to him, but it still bothered me that she would be so heartless to emotionlessly murder a child.

Ashley I need you to understand, we need to be careful, we don’t want to attract unwanted attention, we have become the creatures of nightmares. I don’t’ want you to die. She looked at me with a ear to ear smile, nothing I had said had gotten to her at all because her reply was a simple YOU DO LOVE ME.

She bounced up and down on the bed with excitement like a child that was told they were going to Disneyland. I was beginning to worry even more that I’ve created a monster at my weakest moment.

Ashley we need to keep up regular appearances so people don’t suspect us. We are going to school today, and we can’t kill anyone while we are at school. Do you understand?

She pouted, then sighed and gave a reluctant o k. So I undid her hand cuffs’ she immediately clung to me with a hug that could smother a bear, I pried her off of me, and asked her to please stop doing that. I stepped out of the room so she could change and went into the bathroom to change, I took off my clothes, and for the first time saw my body without it’s shirt, I was pale My veins were once against showing through my skin. I no longer felt warm, I was just room temperature. I looked down and realized that some things never change; still get morning wood even if my heart no longer beat I silently wondered how that was even possible. I got in the shower and set the water as hot as it would go, I felt my body temp slowly rising, to meet the temperature of the water, I no longer sweat but it still felt nice to wash off last night’s hard labor. Seeing the mud fall off me, made me remember that Ashley’s mother was dead and by her hands, what kind of monster had she become? I felt like such a hypocrite calling her a monster when I was the one who changed her and it was me, who also feasted on Justin. My mind began to dwell on that moment when I sunk my teeth into his stomach and drank the still warm blood, from his dying body, it was so sweet so delicious, My mouth began to water and I found my cock getting even harder. Then the human part of my mind took over I felt my stomach lurch and I fell forward onto my knees. I began to vomit some kind of inky black substance it spread with the water, surrounding me I felt myself fading out of consciousness. I felt my head begin to dip, and then there was blackness. I heard a mumbling voice around me saying something but at first I could not understand what it was that it was saying, then I heard a feminine voice making comforting quite sounds that made all the white noise go away, the mumbling voice got closer to me and I felt a caring hand on my shoulder, say peace my child you will not feel pain anymore, it was no longer a mumble it was calming, it was fact, like a priest of a wise parent. I truly felt at ease when I heard it the person began slowly stroking my shoulder, I looked up and saw piercing blue eyes and a wide smile of a man with long black hair and a short beard. He cradled my head in his hand, and told me I need not worry for all would make sense soon for my father was coming and he would make all things right. I was comforted by these words. Then the feminine voice spoke, it was not a woman, it was a male in black jeans, and a punisher shirt, he told me that the man with the hand on my shoulder was the one who gave me this amazing gift, and soon they would show me how to live with it, how to survive, how to be a king of humanity. I felt so warm, and comforted by these words, I felt comfort for the first time since all this happened. He told me his name was Dante; the other guy in the punisher shirt introduced himself as max. So here I was meeting two vampires named Dante and Max in my mind, cool. I felt like I was experiencing a earth quake suddenly and then my eyes opened to Ashley’s shaking my naked body. She was crying again and begging me to wake up; when I did she asked if I was ok? I told her I was fine and not to worry, we needed to leave now, and get to school. I got dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt with black hoodie over it, She wore a blue v shirt and a purple hoodie over it with tight blue jeans and slip on shoes. WE both got in the car I drove again, and we headed toward school, the drive was mostly uneventful. We both had to drive with our faces completely covered. Even then it was like driving drunk and with the flu. After about a half hour we arrived at school late, we had to check in with the front office the bright lights that kept the school lit made my eyes burn, when I arrived in the front office it was unbearable to take the cover off my face and I was beginning to get attention, Ashley was friends with the people at the front desk so she was just aloud to leave and go to class but I was due for a lecture. Not only were they staring at me because of what had happened the last time I was at school but also because I looked like quite a character with my face covered and my hoodie up, the women behind the front desk kept saying sir no hoods are allowed in the school, so I would take it off until she was no longer looking and then slip it back on before the pain started up again. After about an hour of waiting and waiting finally the assistant principal was available to see me, I honestly think he saw me in discomfort and just assumed he would let me sit a while longer. As I sat in his office he waddled his fat ass, having to scoot sideways just to get around his desk before finally sitting down. He looked at me with disappointment and distain as if he wanted to spit on my face but some objective of beaten in morality prevented him from assaulting a student. Then he pushed things to far by saying; Richard your beginning to become a pain in my ass, but that’s what I would expect from a fag like you, I always knew you were a freak and now I have the proof. I looked at him dumbfounded by his nerve. How do you figure? I ask.

Well with your coming out recently, I’ve had to take the greater good of the school into consideration, I can’t have you running around gaying up our school. I had been squeezing the arm of my wooden chair, attempting to hold back my rage. The wood had become to splinter from the force of my grip, and then it just tore right off. I tried to hide what I had just done but, there is no possible way to hide something like that. He screamed out you fucking BASTARD! First you try to rape my football players and now your breaking up the school, what is wrong with you, you little faggot. In less than a second I had stood up on his desk and had wrapped my fingers around his throat. My fingers gripped with such force I tore out his throat, he just sat there squirming, bleeding dyeing the familiar pounding sounded in my ears Bum Bum…Bum Bum, some instinct told me I better feed fast before It’s too late, wouldn’t want to go to waste, I tried to push out such despicable thoughts out of my head, but I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried the thirst just got stronger, and stronger. I dove in drinking my fill as it poured freely from below his jaw. Like a fondue fountain of crimson red. He tasted like pork rinds and pornography, what that taste like I can’t explain it’s just what came to mind as I fed. I used the remaining white of his shirt to wipe off my face. I closed the door behind me and walked out of the room calmly and began walking looking for Ashley I knew she had volleyball practice, everyone knew we arrived together at school if I was in trouble it would be soon that they would be looking for her. AS I arrived in the gymnasium I noticed the entire gym was empty, I began to smell the same smell of pennies I had smelled at the carnival when Ashley had gone on her feeding spree. I started to follow it across toward the locker room, I opened the door that was normally locked and immediately I found a trail of blood in the distance down the stony steps I could hear bones cracking and primal growls. As I turned the corner I saw a girl who I recognized as being on Ashley’s team she was hunched over chewing on something, what it was I could not immediately tell, as I got closer I began to clearly see what it was because she turned around face covered in flesh, and gore. Her eyes were black and the light overhead flickered. She charged at me screaming loudly, time around me slowed and it was like for every second that passed I was living an entire minute I grabbed her arm and threw her up against the wall smashing her skull, I was wondering what Had Ashley gotten into I kept going down the steps worrying I would find her torn in two. I didn’t find her, what I found was 12 more black eyed, gore infested volleyball players all staring right at me, but no Ashley. They charged at me all at once, even with my particular ability to see everything in slow motion, it was way too many trying to kill me in such a small space they were on me, clawing biting and ripping my clothes. I tried pushing my strength to it’s limits slamming them against walls, but they just got up. No matter how hard I hit them the lockers would break the impact. I had to get out. With 3 girls I ran out the basement door into the pool and leaped in hoping maybe they would let go if they had to breath…..they didn’t they clung just as hard but at least now instead of12 is was down to 3. I pulled so hard on the girl on my back her head tore off. And the other two clung to her body eating her as she sunk to the bottom, I tried to crawl away but the other girls had jumped in and began to pull me down down down I fell into the lower depths of the pool. I didn’t need to breath, but that did not keep panic from setting in, they we tearing chunks from my flesh, feeding on me. Then an idea came to me when the other girl began to bleed they all turned on her, so I turned my hands into a karate chop type form and began piercing my hands through the water into one girls stomach pulling out her intestines, I couldn’t see anything other than what was right in front of me the water was too crimson red. I felt them letting go of me and going for the injured one I used the opportunity to injure the rest of them. Sure enough they fed on each other, whatever was wrong with them they ate their wounded.

I swam toward the surface but could no longer pull myself out of the water my shoulders were sticking out of my skin. It was then I looked up to see a hand reaching down, offering to help me get out, it was Dante……

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Yesenia Acevedo

Wow Tim I love this. You have to keep going! Waiting for part 4. 



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