Richard the gay vampire part 4

(My last 2 posts have been shorter because I have been feeling sick I'm sorry for not having larger posts than 3 pages but you try writing 5 pages with the flu and fightingover a computer at a school dorm and see how well you do)(i promise to soon have a gay sex chapter I'm waiting on a friend who is going to help me with the details)
Dante lifted me up by under my arms, out of the water, max drew forth a sword that sliced through the air like a ribbon I remember thinking vampires and swords how cliché, I wasn’t able to see what he sliced at because I had lost consciousness but I figured a few of the volley ball players got out of the pool for a round 2, But since I am still alive telling you this story He must have been a pretty good swordsmen. I felt like I had been asleep for weeks by the time I awoke, though strangely I seemed to be well fed because my skin was not see through. As I looked around the room I noticed him; sitting in a chair in the corner of a room staring right at me with a satisfied smile on his face. He never said anything he just looked at me all the while smiling as if satisfied with something that he had done. I didn’t feel safe like I had in the shower I felt like I was in a stranger’s house, with a strange vampire staring at me like he wanted in my pants. I made a mental note that he probably had some kind of mental ability that let him control the people he had turned. I tried to pretend to be asleep but as soon as I closed my eyes again, he aid I can tell your awake already there’s no point in trying to fool me.
I sighed deeply as I sat up. I thought this must be what a hooker feels like after a wild night of partying no idea where you are, your naked in a bed…..wait I’m naked? Why am I naked? I found myself saying out loud before I could even consider taking the question back. The man who I took to be Dante said you were gravely injured all over your body you even had a few toes missing and 3 fingers on your right hand. You were lucky to of gotten out with as many pieces as you did. Those crazed volley ball players were definitely sign of something very bad about to happen.
You see with each generation of us that are brought into this world we are given certain abilities unique to us, some are stronger, than others while a few are simply made to be a weakness to another ability.
Though with each generation these abilities mutate and change or get watered down and the line between vampire and something else gets thinner and thinner
Which is why you don’t see many of us other than in stories, you see the stories were usually when things in history either related or not related to the main character in the said story went terribly wrong. I mean legendary bad day wrong. What little we know about ourselves now is from self-discovery experimentation and word of mouth people don’t really like the idea of how to be a vampire book lying around.
So all of us are forced to get along and try to figure things out and hope for the best.
I looked at him stunned I had gotten exactly what I was looking for heard what I Wanted to know, I only had one question left where is Ashley?
Well at the time we just assumed she was one of your meals that escaped but we now know it is her who caused those volley ball players to go ape shit the way they did. Your “friend” has been making a collection of people and if she keeps it up, you, me all of us will die. We will either starve or become food to those trash compactors with legs.
I need you to watch a video, believe it or not you have been unconscious for a week and your little girl friend has been busy…I snapped saying she’s not my girlfriend I don’t like girls. He licked his lips and said I know.
He put in the video on it was Ashley’s mothers house the grass had begun to get longer it had not been cut in 2 weeks, Max openly admitted to be the one doing the camera work. As the camera began to move it went inside her house the man holding the camera commented on the smell. And seemed to follow it downstairs, right away you could see scrape marks and blood. Fingernails imbedded in the white wall like countless people had been drug into its dark depths never to surface again. He had a flash light not so he could see but so the video camera could pick up what was down there. Even with the dim lighting of the flashlight I could see the horror it was like red baby food was scattered around the place corps laying upon corps upon corps. None of them were spared women, children, men, retires, even dogs and cats and what looked like a bear was down their bled completely dry so much so that the fleshy bits lying around seemed to be made of stone in fact when max nudged one pile with his shoe it made a scraping sound because there was no moisture to keep it soft.
On the camera a rustling sounded and the person holding it veered around to reveal Ashley sitting on a stack of lawn chairs in the basement. Her legs were pulled close to her chest and she seemed to be fondling what seemed like a fetus. Squeezing it between her fingers and ringing it around her hands and wrists, sniffing it then licking the residue off bit by bit making the entire process like a compulsion.
I haven’t had visitors for a while my lover left me and he doesn’t want me anymore. I thought maybe if I could have more friends he might want me. I’d even do a threesome for him. Nobody wants to be my friend. I’m pretty I have a nice ass, guys just love staring at my tits, so why won’t Richard love me?
I’m going crazy I’ve tried everything but he wont even look at me like I’m pretty, maybe it’s because he’s gay? No no no don’t say that people will think you are crazy, wanting to fuck a gay man, why would he want men over me I’m pretty aren’t I? waaaaaaaaaaa!!! Tears rolled down her face lightening the dark lines of blood that had caked to her skin. I just wanted him to be my wittle hubby bear, I thought maybe if I had a baby and he thought it was his maybe he’d want me, but we never had sex so that didn’t work, She kept licking and fondling the fetus as she spoke , then I tried making him jealos when we went back to school but that stupid sound got inside my head and made my hunger come back ooooohhh ooooohohhh it tasted so good their tiny throats, I should of tasted another girl way sooner, buut I guess nothing beats that nice meat pounding your insides does it? Hehehe
She looked at the camera and said Richard I know you love me and I know you’re watching this, the person shined the camera so it focused on all of her instead of just her face she was completely naked and now he was rubbing the fetus on her body and playing with herself even for a person who lives off blood of the dead it was making me sick. I know you love me honey…..please come home your wifey is waiting for you, she picked up a child’s corps and began moving its mouth saying in a mockery voice, I miss you daddy please come home look! I drew you a picture she pointed at the wall behind her and in blood and smeared organs was the words Richard and Ashley forever and ever She began walking closer toward the camera and max who was holding the camera started to walk away.  Trying to keep a distance, he was saying something about stay back! And Ashley only giggled asking if he would be her friend.
Please please I’m so lonely you can join our little club of friends they don’t talk but they would surley love a chatter box like YOU! She raised her hands and all the corps and body parts in the rooms leapt to life and began groping at Max. He screamed not in pain in horror of the sight all around him, human organs and legs and hands all clawing for him. He whipped out the same sword he had when I was at the pool, This time I got to see it in action he whipped it around him and anything that it came across he would simply make movements to alter its course with his wrist and it would slice the body parts into cubes of meat, this did not make Ashley happy She began to scream, YOUR KILLING ALL OF MY FRIENDS WHY!! WHHHYY!! WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU? YOU MURDERER!!!
Max was clamoring out of the house running when large hand made out of linked body parts grabbed him and pulled him back into the house, he clawed screaming yelling but the camera was left outside. The camera just showed the front door of the house for another few hours before it went on auto sleep or the battery died. Max held down fast forward on the video and it sows him holding the camera panting heavily, tears streaking down his face, he was also covered in scars. It was at this point that max paused the video and used that chance to explain what had happened.
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I'm sure for some of you the whole fetus fondling/licking thing was a but much, I want you to know she is the only character who I am making crazy, and it will be explained more and more so in case you havnt kind of already seen it coming. im still sick I already had this part half way finished so I need my rest more so than usual, but I will end up posting at least 5 more posts as long as nobody has any objections, and on this site I will leave it with a temporary shoterr version and a shortened ending so you all can still enjoy the story before I expand and alaborate it into a book.