Richard the gay vampire part 5

I barely escaped, her little toys, that’s what she called them. Kept grabbing onto me pulling away flesh, I only survived because as my flesh came away it became for my body to absorb the plasma if the surrounding bodies. When she brought me before her, she looked pissed, like she genuinely hated me. She sunk her fingers into my throat. It was at that moment I took one of the leg bones from the swirling flesh mass around me to stab it into her face it went through her nose and out the back of her head, as she fell to the ground, the rest of the animated flesh was no longer animated and I was able to leave. She never came after me, so I assumed she was dead, it’s not like I could check for a pulse ya know? Dante walked over to Max and kissed him deeply on the lips, I’m just glad you’re okay sweetie, Max looked happy, to be recognized by Dante, Max really loved him. It had just hit me, that Ashley was dead. I’m a vampire, yet she was my best friend. Now she’s dead, and it’s all my fault that this happened to her.
What will I do with eternity; it’s funny before I couldn’t wait to get rid of her. Though now that she’s really gone, I’m at a loss as to what I am going to do. While I was pondering over my possible future, Dante walked over to me while holding max close. He told me that him and Max had been talking and figured it would only be fair if I stayed in their house until I found my feet, since it was them who had turned me. I had nowhere else to go, with the way things were, there was no way I could ever show my face at home again. They lived in a very large house I would consider it a small mansion, they gave me a room to stay in, Max was bragging about how the sheets were Egyptian cotton, and the pillow cases were silk. This was a side of him I had not seen before, because earlier he was all hardcore and murder death kill. Now he was like a cast member of queer eyes for the straight guy. It was quite comical. There were no windows in the room; I had to admit I was relieved for the first time I would be able to sleep without either being at deaths door, or without my skin frying off my face when the morning came.
My head hit the pillow and even though I had been passed out for so long, I fell asleep immediately, but instead of flowing colors, happy times, and cuddly teddy bears with large jugs of blood waiting for me in the dream world. Instead it was darkness, and her. She was there in a white gown with blood soaked in along the bottom, she was hugging herself. It would seem even in my sleep I could never escape her. I tried to concentrate on her lips because it seemed as if she was saying something………BABY her words resounded like a church bell echoing off the walls of my mind. BABY!!!! Come back to me! Her lips were moving as if she was whispering, but her words tore through my ear drums making my head ring and taking me to my knees. You’re dead! You’re dead! You can’t be inside my head because your dead! Silly Robert I’m not dead. I just made that max my bitch, you know I should thank you, it’s because of you I can do all of this cool stuff. I interrupted her, what do you mean you made him your bitch? He said he killed you. He did? Well that’s not very nice of him; she made a childlike pouty face as she said this. He came and was filming me, he’s a real pervert he was touching himself while he videotaped me, then when he went to run away, I was so lonely so I pulled him back inside. She put her hands close to her mouth as if telling me a secret. He put his thingy inside me, let me tell you as a virgin, and him being a supposed gay man, he really knows how to take care of a girl. She ran her finger along the bottom of my chin and I tried to grab her, but as my fingers closed around her throat she evaporated into smoke. Then reformed a good distance away. Tch tch thch Richard how so unlike you to lay hands on a girl, you can look don’t touch, as she said this she flashed her breasts. As she opened up her shirt her breasts and stomach were left open, even though I was in a dream, I could clearly feel something different about her. What was it? Then it hit me, bum bum, bum bum a heartbeat was emanating from her womb. She came to me for a reason, she wanted to tell me something, she had come to tell me she was pregnant. Her whole life she wanted a child, more than me, more than a million dollars. More so than getting out of our small town, she wanted a baby; but she was told she could never have one, I guess her becoming a vampire had changed that. Now not only was she alive, but she was pregnant. Which meant max was the father. He had lied to us, me being here in this room was a trap. I had to wake up now! I had to get out. I bit my hand and woke up. I ran for the light switch, I had that feeling of panic you get as a kid when you’re afraid a monster is chasing you. I had to find the light and make the monster go away, true primal fear. I found the switch and went to flip it but not lights came on. Instead the far wall fell away revealing the light outside, it was day time. The sun came through, and back came that all too familiar feeling of what can only be described as hell. The sun hit my skin and all strength left my body I cowered in the corner like some kind of animal.
My survival instincts kicked in I flipped the mattress up in a attempt to use it as a shield against the sun light’ but max had planted an explosive in the mattress as soon as it left the bed frame it blew into oblivion throwing me against the wall, to top it all off the sun was now shining full blown on top of me.
It burned my insides felt like they were boiling and that pretense vomit feeling would not go away, Max that bastard had lied to me, not that it mattered he lied to Dante too. Yet here I was dying unable to go anywhere. Burning from the outside in like a hot dog over a camp fire. I was trapped and I was dying will this be my end?
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