Story -


My phone reads one minute after midnight and the cold gust of wind swept at my feet. Damn I am freaking cold. The September wind circles around me as if it's trying to tell me something, but I shrugged it off. As I shivered closer to the big creepy house as I get closer I see nobody in the house all the lights are off and all the windows is boarded shut. In the back of my mind hear my mom screaming my name ‘Jayda Maria Johnson get back over here you cannot leave you belong to me. You'll never make it without me. Nobody wants you. You’re stupid, fat, and ugly.’ But I beg to differ I know I'm smart, beautiful, and hella sexy.  Like my grandma always said to me ‘your mom…she is something different. Don’t mind what she says. You very smart, beautiful and you are your own woman.’ I groan as I walked slowly and quietly to the house. Slowly I crept and crept knowing that this is a bad, BAD idea because of all the horror movies I watch. I know some-how I'm going to die one way or another. I kept walking towards the house. I reached the gates of the house the gates read ‘no trespassing.’ Well I think that’s my cue to wonder somewhere else… right. I turn around and started to walk north. I plan on living with Santa Clause … if that seems realistic.  With a swift turn on my heel I started my journey north.

“Santa here I come!” I sarcastically stated. Trying to light up the mood, because the one I'm in now is not the best one I’ve been in all my years of living. I literally took three steps and suddenly something swooped up my arm. In a rapid motion it dragged me from North to that creepy house.

"Sh baby come in I didn't mean to scare you." It was a lady

Screaming in fear “don’t kill me I'm too young to die. I don’t have any money" I dropped to my knees and start crying

 "Shhh stop crying I'm not going to hurt you” she stooped down to my level "don't cry its ok.” "Ok” sniffling trying not to cry again. This lady was about 5’6, long black hair, and is skinny. She had a nice and even tan. “I’m Jayda” 

“My name is Marie"

"Oh cool do you live in this house"

"Yeah me and my son Chresanto”

"Thanks for the help but I got to go" I quickly got up dusted myself off and started to walk away. Santa here I come again

"Jayda will you just stay for dinner I know you’re hungry" she shouted, even though I'm closer than she think I am.

“But I really have to go” I sort of whined more than I intended too. 

“Where do you have to go?”

I thought about it. I really have nowhere to go. If I go back home I'm going to be back to living in hell. So I think I'm going to stay “Ok I'll stay" We’ve walked for a long time. Damn my feet hurt DAMN.  "Thank you." She swung the doors open. The house was warm the fresh smell of pine leaves. The inside of the house was huge it sort of reminds me of an old masquerade ballroom

"Chresanto come down stairs please" she screamed, then looked at me “I'm going to go start dinner be right back” she smile and skipped into the kitchen.

Right when she said that I tried to imagine what this Chresanto looks like, is he tall or short, is he older or younger than me. I need to know, because being me I need answers.

"Ok here I come" his voice was deep but not too deep. So he's about 16-19 I think. Some would say he was hot, and others would say he was cute. I say he is sexy. He smiled and I smiled back. He was tall light skinned, short curly hair and perfect teeth.  

"Hey I'm Chresanto and you are?"

"Hey I'm Jayda" I flash a smile and somehow that made him laugh.

"Jayda… so how old are you"

"I’m 17 and you?"

"17 too umm so how long are you staying"

"As long as she need to" his mom yelled all the way in her kitchen. I really like this lady  

"Thank you ma” he laugh "ok Jayda let me show you to your room."

Did he say room...? I'm only eating and running north.  He grabbed my hand and pulled me violently.

"Ow you are hurting me"

"Awww I'm sorry." With a very sarcastic tone.  

"You sound very sarcastic"

"Ok?"  Something's up and I want to know what's going on. So later after walking up five thousand flights of stairs. Ok, ok it was about three flights of stairs. The room was huge. It had blue paint on the walls with different colored stripes. The bed had the letters 'J M J' on the back board.

“What does J.M.J stand for?"

"J.M.J stands for I don't know." He slowly said that last three words. "I. Don't. Know" he repeated. 

"Ok?" I'm scared I got to get outta here! "I love the room thanks"

"You're welcome", he smirked "come let me show you something”

Dear, lord

Keep me safe I pray that this boy won't kill me. I'll be a good girl. I'll go back home if you change my mom and the way she treat me also keep me safe. Amen.

 He had taken me to a balcony. It was beautiful rose petals of every color everywhere. It was a full moon that night so the moon was super close like you could touch it. Awww this is…

"Jayda did you hear me" waving his hand in my face

" don't know I'm so lost please repeat that... Wait what's wrong with your teeth"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you."

"So what are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm ..... A ....." A long pause and then an awkward silence between us have come.  OMG just speak

You’re a what? He's making this super dramatic

“I heard that”

“What I didn't say anything”    

“Yes you did you said and I quote you’re a what? He’s making this super dramatic.”

“No I thought it I didn’t say it… so like I was saying WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR TEETH!”

“Jayda calm down please for me”

“Don’t try to change the subject.”

“I'm… a”

“Hold on you’re a vampire right”

No response for at least 2 minutes “so you’re a vampire right”

“y-yes” his voice cracked liked he was crying

“Are you crying” trying to be as convincing as possible

“n-no I'm not” his voice cracked again. Ugh I'm going to hate myself after this. I walked up to him wiped his tear that was slowly falling down his cheek with my thumb and kissed him. Then I pulled back and walked away. To only be stopped by his mom.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SON?”  She is slowly turning red. I opened my mouth but nothing came out   “ANSWER ME”

“Um he was just” need an excuse umm “showing me the moon look isn’t it just beautiful” I gave her that million dollar smile.

“LIES THEN WHY DID YOU KISS HIM” she was redder then ever the then earth shook. “YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID”

“Umm quick question WHAT DID I DO?!?!” all I did was kiss him and that’s all.

“YOU HURT MY LITTLE BOY” her voice roared.

“Little? He is seventeen, SEVENTEEN NOT SEVEN”

“Your right!” Then she has shrunken down to her normal size. “I'm sorry… that you’re going to die before you hit 18.


Before she knew it Marie has tackled Jayda down to the ground. Jayda is kicking and screaming. Chresanto is trying to pull Marie off of Jayda. Marie finally got off of Jayda.

“Mom what’s wrong with you”

“Chresanto…baby …..I’m sorry” She pushed him so hard he fell and was unconcence. Now it’s just me and her. She gives me an evil grin. “Jayda now you” she immediately fell down. Turns out Chresanto bit his mom and killed her. There her body lied dead. Her last words to him were “Chresanto baby I'm sorry.” Devastating as that sound…he is actually cool with it.

“Chresanto are you ok” I slowly grazed over towards him.

“Yeah, yeah I'm ok… Jayda can I ask you something”


“Well I wanted to know if you will live here with me”

“Well yeah.” He smile and grazed his hand down my cheek. And slowly he kissed me. Then his mom came back to life and through me off the balcony

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” slowly I fell then…..
“Jayda….. Jayda…. Baby wake up”


“You was screaming and kicking me. Are you ok”

“Oh sorry and yeah”        

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