Russians Can't Dance (Chapter 3 "The Diversion")

Chapter III “The Diversion”
Christine and John arrive at the ball, and as the driver gets out of the limo, he goes around, and opens Christine’s door, as she gets out, her purse drops in a puddle. Christine picks it up and wipes off what little wetness there is on it.
Then John splashes on the scene by getting out of the car door and stepping straight in the same puddle. John, thirty-eight, and very athletically buffed, and women think he’s chiseled by Aphrodite, herself. Christine, is a 6 foot three, shimmering sleek figure, with black as coal shiny hair, that flows down her back and down to her waist. Her hair swaying gently, as golden vapors would in a breeze, she takes John’s hand, as they walked to the foyer and front door.
The red carpet is out, as all types of diplomatic personnel and government officials, with their wives are here for this gala event, which John was led to believe is Yuri Kuryenko’s birthday. Now, John knows who the present is for, because originally John thought, that the present was for Mrs. Kuryenko. Christine chuckled as they were walking up the carpet, as she mentioned to John, “Let’s get it right, John.”
As John and Christine entered, and were announced to the congregation, John quickly scans and observes as much as he can, without acting like an ostrich appearing and looking about.
A butler gathers their attention, and guides them to their table, where John politely excuses himself, and so does Christine as she takes this opportunity to freshen up. They both go off to their destinations, however John meanders around the balcony, and stops midway to the bathroom and enters Yuri Kuryenko’s bedroom.
While inside, John starts searching Kuryenko’s personal desk. He opens drawer after drawer until he finds one locked. He notices an envelope opener and uses it, by prying around the drawer’s lock mechanism. After a few seconds the drawer abruptly pops open. “There it is!” John thought, but there were two DVDs, and both alike. John goes into a controlled panic and decides to place a crack in one of the DVDs and replace the other one there with the bogus one he’s carrying. Obviously, this was not the plan, but at this time and circumstance that’s all he could think of.
John hears the music stop downstairs, and footsteps start coming up the stairs, which was normal because people use it to go to their powder rooms. However, one set of footsteps starts coming towards the bedroom he’s occupying. Christine, just comes out of her powder room, and quickly sees Yuri going toward the room that John. She starts to faint at the top of stairs to create a diversion. Yuri Kuryenko is one of the party members who decides to go to his bedroom but turns around to help aid Christine’s. John, peeking through the bedroom door, because of the racket outside on the balcony, notices the situation that gives him the exact time to exit the bedroom, and go to the men’s powder room right next door to the bedroom. Just as John is closing the men’s bathroom door, Yuri Kuryenko looks up, and sees the bathroom door closing, and Kuryenko looks with suspicious concern. While helping Christine up, he feels that she is all right, as they exchange pleasantries, then Yuri decides to go to his bedroom.
While he was inside, he went straight to the desk, and sees, that it was still locked but he notices a small wooden sliver near the lock mechanism. He doesn’t recall if it was there before, but it looks suspicious. So, he takes the key from around his neck and places it into the lock’s mechanism and opens the drawer. There he notices the two DVDs and closes the door without inspecting each of them. Yuri leaves the bedroom and moves to his right to the bathroom to investigate who is inside. He enters the bathroom and searches every stall and finds no one.
As Yuri leaves the bedroom he looks to his right and down the stairs and sees John just stepping off the last step, at the bottom of the stairs. John turns his head and looks up at Yuri, and gives Yuri a smile, as Yuri returns with a suspicious stare. Yuri then watches John returned to his table consists down next to Christine. Yuri stands holding the balcony rail, as both Christine and John look up at Yuri. Yuri again displays a serious suspicious look and then turns and walks down stairs.