Russians Can't Dance (Chapter I -"The Burglary")

Chapter 1
“The Burglary"
Arrrrg! "A good shower, and now off to bed," John's sighs, as he walks into the bedroom. He walks over to his stereo unit and turns on his DVD and turns off the radio. John looks at his bedside clock and sees that it's 11:30 PM and he sets the alarm for 6 AM.
He then grabs his DVD player’s remote control and presses play, as to watch an important VIP message, and dossier, for his eyes only. John works for the CIA.
At around 3 AM, a burglar enters the downstairs door, leading from the atrium. John’s in his bed sound asleep. A burglar has entered through the down stairs atrium door, John forgot to lock it. The burglar, dressed entirely in dark clothes and wearing a ski mask, rummaged around on the bottom floor, accidentally knocking over a silver teapot onto its tray, making a loud crash. Upstairs, John, stirs, and slowly moves his groggy bones, and lifts his head from the pillow, and turns on the light next to the bed stand. The burglar downstairs notices the light being turned on upstairs, and hides underneath the stairs, where it's pitch-dark.
John, grabs a flashlight and begins to walk to the stairs, and down them. He isn't aware of his own shoe on the stairs, and steps while twisting his ankle. He begins to tumble down the stairs, until he lies unconscious, and lying in a fetal position.
The burglar comes out from beneath the stairs, and notices John lying on the floor. He cautiously discovers that John is unconscious, and steps over John to get up the stairs.
He follows up the stairs, and heads for John's room, and as he enters, he looks around, and notices the DVD player. The DVD player is still on, so the burglar hits the eject button and the DVD slides out. Meanwhile, John, in a groggy state, tediously gets himself up. Shaking his head to get out the cobwebs, John then slowly starts up the stairs. He's met at the top of the stairs by the burglar where a scuffle begins. The DVD, in the burglar's hand, falls out and rolls down the stairs, and continuing to the bottom step. Above, John has the burglar pinned to the balcony rail. The teeter-totter, forceful jostling goes in favor of the burglar, as John is hanging backwards over the railing now. Just as the burglars going to throw John over the railing, John rolls to his left, and turns over on top of the burglar, switching positions, and pushing the burger over the rail, where he plummets to the floor.
John sees a shiny DVD disc lying vertically on its side against the stairs and walks over to pick it up. As John is bending over, he is hit from behind by the burglar, who very unexpectedly was not fatally hurt.
Waking up hours later, John finds his head feeling like it's been drowned and revived again. As he tries to look around his eyes seems like they are scratched as everything is blurry and his eyes itch. He finds himself standing at the bottom of the stairs trying to recall the burglar taking the DVD and what occurred that evening.
John goes to his cell phone and dials one of his secretive private numbers. On the other end of the phone a voice screams, "John, why are you calling this number at this time of night?" John replies, “The disk, the disk, it's been stolen, Tom!” Tom Middleton is the directional vice chairman to the CIA, he also, knows what, where, and why of everything that’s going on. Tom, with an urgent tone in his voice, "John, listen very carefully, the information on that disc is bogus, but the serial number in the center of the disc gives the protective password, and a global satellite fix on a would-be communication satellite. But that satellite is not a communications satellite but something else and were trying to find out. I can't tell you anymore on the phone, John, and I'll meet you in the office at 0700,"
John here's a click from his phone, knowing that Toms’ hung up.
(CHAPTER II "The Meeting" coming soon)