Sadness and Hope

Like a soft silk veil the wind caressed the land with it's fragile whisper
carrying with it distant echoes of sadness blooming from the misery
of two lost heart's wrongful separation.
I could feel the endless sorrow that filled the cries of the heart's saying.
Oh heavenly father
Imagine the terror felt by a small kitten, lost in the cold winter's night,
drenched by the rain that fell from unforgiving clouds that blanketed
the sky.
Or walking through a garden of flowers that will never know the beauty
of spring bloom, only the nakedness of a stem , never to be adorned
with a garment of petals woven by the colors of rainbows promise.
To look upon dispair and wonder if emptiness is all that exsist to fill
the void.
Venturing through life, never more to know the feeling of love's
heavenly sound, music born from the harp of Gods existence
and played by the fingers of an angels soul.
Dear lord, we long for the kindness of a gentle touch
the love of mercies kiss , blessing us with your smile,
guiding our return to the beautiful life of love
we once shared as one.