
My dearest husband I love you so very much
and everyone knows this to be true
so why do they stare at us with look away eyes
and thier whispers though silent, can't conceal
the deafening sound of disapproval over the
difference of our age.
They see the beautiful love we share
as a disgustingly awful wrong.
Well my beloved when it comes to the emotion
of love the only logic the intellectual mind can
conceive is ignorance.
The heart on the other hand knows only feeling
and the emotions those feelings unveil.
So while the brain is in a constant state of turmoil
trying to rationalize every aspect of thought
the heart only needs to know one thing
and that is, what it's feeling.
So sweetheart to answer your question,
age is just a number and that number is meaningless
but what is not meaningless is the feeling inside
your heart, it only knows truth.