Story -

stand in defiance!

Ever since I was very little. iv known I was of a unique breed,not better or smarter though I am admittedly quite clever. I am just different,from so young I was bitched slapped by satans right ass cheek right off the back. before I could even walk properly people were already trying to kill me,it got to the ppoint I made a mental catalog o how hard people would hit me,and think to myself on how they could improve. I am for a lack of a better term a weirdo.these days I can honestly say with a straight face I have been hit by a car, my own mother was driving.yet my experiences are not unique every day I see those around mewho have been hurt,beaten,made fun of,cast aside and forgotten. I look Iinto their eyes and they know and I know the faces we put on every day are worn like badges of honor. every day we wake up is our fuck you to all those who told us we can,or that we re wrong. what I find most unique about myself I see that fuck you as a compliment,a compliment of indearing love to those who hurt me the most,because I am certainly broken as is the life that surounds me. if I was a weaker sort I could of snapped and ended your life,but instead I became the Picasso of my own creation,those like me took those pieces and rebuilt ourselfs in our own alot of you we are seen as outcasts,or people who do not belong,they are my children my brothers and sisters my friends.I would take a bullet for any of them,as long as they speak true and stomp anyone who would ostrasize their attempts at making it in life 6 feet into the ground. I am broken but alive,we are all alive and just looking for love, true love because like children we still believe in magic. Hope is our bread and butter and we live off it every day,seeing inside our inner mind the progress we made so far in life though little its so precious.These people who live like me are lost but not out,our very existance is like spitting in the eye of our oppressors.we hope because we must live we live because we must see,we have to see if there truly is a reason for us holding this weight on our own shoulders rather than passing it off to someone else,every day it is a pain but it is a pain we take with pride,because we must.
Enlightenment through insanity,is I suppose the only way I could describe it,to take hate and bypass the injury and put out love,like a messed up version of photosynthesis. we love because we have been in the dark for so long love is the only way to not hurt those we care about most,so in abundance we pour out our love onto the world like linnen covers a wound.I love the world but not just this planet I love all of existance,I would not trade this reality for any other,each moment to me is as precious as any other moment I have lived or will live in my life,and I see this in the people around me. we charish we love we care about the world for it is so profound. yet I am broken and for me to physically touch another person it could shatter me into oblivion,but this will not stop me from living reguardless of the hate of the negativity that I am faced with...............that we are faced with I will use every fiber of my being to percervier through it all,I stand in defiance of lifes cruel ultimatum I will not pursue happiness,I will make it.I will create my own happiness and teach it to others. thus is the declaration of my life

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