Star Bate Saga: Voorreg

Her bare feet pounded on the marble, illuminated by the floor to ceiling windows. Outside, an electrical storm raged on, fighting against the wind and igniting the sky in pure white fire. She walked quickly, forcefully-almost in sync with the lightning outside. Every time a bolt struck the blackened earth, her foot would slap onto the black and white scarred floor with equal force.
 A white gown floated effortlessly on and around her intense, sable skin. She looked like midnight cloaked in the robe innocence walking towards her death. Only, she had just defied her death, and was marching down this Stygian chess board for revenge.
Yes, revenge. The right cap sleeve of her gown fell down her bicep but she didn’t bother to pull it up-in their eyes she was immodest from birth, why try and comply? No; she wanted them to see the unruly state of their erroneous assimilation. If she hadn’t loved the shocking white of the gown against her skin, against the marks on her skin which ran like melted gold up and down her body, she would simply walk through the huge black maple double doors naked. The only thing that was meant to be seen was the noose around her neck. The noose that had embraced her neck; the noose that had acted upon the fears of the pallid scoundrels that hid behind doors upon doors and windows with glass cut deities.  She wanted them to see their failure in the purest form.
Her nails raked against the thick wood as she mightily pushed open the doors, and walked in on the congregation of accusers. They all swiveled their heads simultaneously towards her and the room went deathly silent until another bolt of lightning struck the earth and resulted in a bone ripping, window clanging maelstrom. She paused only for a moment to soak in the sheer, sweet, surprise before rakishly whipping the noose with the frayed end off her neck and throwing down at the feet of the men who sat high up, in unwarranted thrones.
They moved up and sat on the edge of their seats, simply staring. Their eyes darted between the noose and she.
Her lips curled into a sly grin as she reveled in their failure. They could not kill her. In a sense, she had brought redemption to all those like her they’ve murdered over the years out of pure ignorance. She brought justice to her people. Her kind.
“I am Captain Firmament Corre, and I condemn all thee.” She snarled, her force echoing, still keeping its volume and coherency as another bolt of lightning struck.
Just as her voice finished echoing, the large floor to ceiling windows shattered, causing glass to fly everywhere. Firmament ducked out of the way as the wind ripped the burgundy curtains down and a slick metallic pod slid into the grand room. It slid to a halt almost directly between Firmament and the men, and the door slid open. Â
“Firmament, as much as I’d like to see you personally get back at each and every one of these disgusting, vile vermin, we should really have the Coalition handle them. We have some spices to deliver. We need you to lead us.” Chatoyant’s voice rang clear and true from her perch on the last rung down from the pod.
Firmament only cackled wickedly before joining Chatoyant in the pod. This was far finished here, but she had a duty. She was more than all of those scums of the earth, self-proclaimed rulers. They ruled over an unrealistic play set of premade plastic figurines. There was no animation, no diversity, and no reality. They hold true to what they’ve known as children: each other.
Firmament had gotten her revenge: what was left of their shattered, simple brains was to be mopped up by the Coalition: a committee of their own and some of her own and then some. A union of different species, different sects: all condemning them to hell for condemning others to hell.Â
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