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Star Bate Saga: The War

Star Bate Saga: The War

Firmament looked at this crew, this army of brothers and sisters united. For a moment, she didn't have the heart to tell them that they would fail. The fact that they had to fight this war was already a failure. To be demoted to physical atrocities was already a devastating lose. And yet she stood before her army, her skeleton army, and respected them too much to lie about their fate. They stood in perfect lines, wearing bleached white bones as armor. She herself wore a skeleton corset, her black skin offset by the eerie glow, her blue marks running up and down her arms and her spine.

"You are mothers and you are fathers. You all have your families, and I want to stress to you that you have a right to leave right now without any ill thoughts towards you. The world has lost enough of us. With that said, I do not want you here, solely because you think we will win. I want you here, fighting, because you can't go a day without thinking about all the injustice in the world. That you would rather die, than see another impoverished soul perish. I want you to fight because it makes you physically ill to see that man who believes he is courageous for spewing out vile hate. There are men, women, and children who die every waking second for the great cause of humanity. And he ticks on like a human clock, indifferent to the change he brings. He waits in his lavish mausoleum, expelling guttural spittle that people oppose because it is morally reprehensible-- and he calls himself brave. A leader. A revolution. This, is a revolution. Children are ripped apart, broken, and taped back together. Women are painted with acid and expected to become dolls so vulnerable their sentience collapsesΒ but yet they continue. Men are severed through their ribs with reminders of their ancestors' grisly demises. But they endure, in the hopes of some day obtaining a voice of their own. And this is the day we begin the process. We liberate the songbird. We take back the sound that sounds only in our subconscious. We scream today, because we can. Today well kill the idea. We kill the belief, and he will die in spite of himself. All the rewards he reaps from the dead, putrid bodies cannot make him immortal. Tonight, we are united. Tonight we will die so that others may live."Β 

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