Story -

(Still need a title)

(still needs to be finished, this is up here to show you guys what I have been working on)

Sounds entered my consciousness: click, click, click; electricity crackling; a drill buzzing; followed by a faint metal clanging; a loud metal screech; and then a heavy slam. My eyes snap open blinded by a white light. Feeling crawled its way back into my limbs. My head aching I look down to my right leg where an intense pain emanated from. What I could see from the gruesome scene, my kneecap protruding out of the skin; most of the bleeding had decreased some, the lower leg was twisted an almost impossible degrees of 180.

“’Ello pretty boy, ol’ Saint Nick is here to pay you a visit,” said a deep cockney accented man. I could feel my hair parting from his breath, feel his eyes penetrating my skull, smell his tobacco and alcoholic body odor. “What do you want with me?” I mouthed; my voice had fled my body in terror. “Aw, ain’t that cute, he is trying to talk.” A feminine British voice sounded out behind the light. A set of shoulders casted a shadow on my poor sensitive eyes protecting me from the light from stabbing into my eyes. This person sat on my lap aggravating my right leg. A scream erupted from me as the silhouette reached around and grasped my protruding knee cap and pulled! My head flung back in agony, biting my lip till I tasted a rustic flavor. The man behind me put his large hands on my shoulders, massaging and tightening like he was getting off on this. I felt my tears well up and roll away as if trying to escape my excruciating agony. “Now, if you want us to stop, answer our simple questions, honestly and quickly,” said the person on my lap. I struggled to look up and mouth, “Yes, anything!” My head dropped back, the man leaned over me and my mouth slid against his shirt. I could feel the couple squirming on top of me as deep chuckles and girl giggles emanated from the tormentors.

The man’s shirt was stained and wreaked of Bud Light and Camels. Underneath, I could feel hardened muscle. His body slides up my face, making me aware of every curve of muscle, every hard circular button on his shirt till I could feel his breath on my mouth. He turned my head and traced his tongue across my cheek. “Boy! He sure tastes sweet!” His voice so close to my ear, it infested my skin, causing goose bumps and chills in rebellion. I felt the female slide off my lap, making sure to put her full weight on my injured leg. “Mmm, I just love the sound of agony.” The pressure on my shoulders told me the sadistic man was going to leap over me and take out his frustrations on her.

The woman finally ended her relentless torture. She lifted her small frame off my leg. “So, when would you like to start talking, my sweet?” The woman brushed my face with her warm, smooth fingers. You wouldn’t think something so tender would be so threatening. “Let. Me. Get. My. Voice. Back,” every word was a struggle in itself; it was like I was a child, barely learning to talk. “Well, it sounds like ya can talk now!” the man behind me angrily whispered into my ear, making my stomach twist and turn. “Hush my dear Dominic, we will get our answers very soon.” Dominic growled in my ear, like a wild animal kept on an almost nonexistent leash.

“Sorry love, don’t think we ‘ave time till he finds us.” A maniacal laugh erupted from the female. “We are safe dear, don’t worry it, and just make sure this man doesn’t scream too loud.” The pressure on my shoulders alleviates and the thump, thump, thumping of boots soon followed by a faint click, click, clicking of heels told me they were leaving, to where, I could not tell. Screech! Metal on concrete, murder on my sensitive ears, indescribable silence befell me, the man and woman were gone. I just felt pain and anguish. Anguish for my family at home, for my dear lover Dante. Guilt hit me like a train wreck. ‘What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why can’t I just hold my lover? Why?’

Fear bathed in the corners of my mind. ‘What if I don’t live through this?’ They hinted that they were being hunted, so leaving a body trail is stupidity. ’Maybe I can bargain for my life? Maybe, just maybe, I might see Dante again.’ “I love you, Dante, please, please be safe and not in the clutches of these horrible abominations,” my faint whisper coming out of my mouth, waves of tears crashed down my cheek. I felt the restraints above my wrist. Handcuffs of rope tied my hands to the chair, the rope winding past my arms to insure I wouldn’t escape. Either these guys know what they are doing or one of them is ex-military. I hoped for the latter to give me more of a chance to reason with them. “Great! Begging for my life with a psychopathic couple, just cross that off my bucket list!” I chuckled at the odds of me surviving the next time they come in.

Screech! Metal objecting to not be moved. I could hear the light shut off and I finally put my head up to find a white and grey haired woman kneeling beside my knee, dabbing at it with a damp cloth. Every time she touched near the wound was torture in itself. She had gentle, steady hands and was trying to cause me the least amount of pain possible. I searched around the room for the promiscuous couple. I saw a bulky figure in the doorway, I assumed it was the man, Dominic, so I kept my mouth shut. I heard the elderly woman mumble something under her breath. Then she got up and walked over to the figure standing in the door. It came closer to me, blocking less and less light from the hall.

As the muscled moved closer distinct characteristics came clear. I could see the wrinkles on his face, the grey hair on his head and his thick muscled arms. He bent over and said to the woman, “Put something in his mouth to bite on.” His voice was deep and wise. The woman gave me an object, created with a bit rolled up leather, to put in my mouth. I bowed my head in thanks, opened my mouth, and bit hard on the rough leather. “I am sorry son, this is gonna hurt, but it will fix your leg.” The man hooked his large hands around my leg and counted…3…2…1. PAIN!!! A terrible moan heaved up from my throat. Tears fled my arduous body. Teeth felt like they would break from the pressure. Black rimmed the edges of my vision, growing, pulsating. My heart thumped in my ears. I felt my leg pop back into place and I fell into oblivion.

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Valerie Lynn

Very vivid descriptions...I think you did a great job!! I loved it!!

Val ♥️



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