at approximately a painfully early o'clock in the morning give or take an o'clock ...
formerly an abandoned Amazon warehouse went to pot with mold and magic mushrooms growing in every...
("Thus always I cause the death of tyrants.”) the purported line Brutus uttered after...
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no longer land of the free home of the brave, original rightful occupants hoodwinked, petrified,...
(any relationship between the following poem and living persons - namely the writer of these words...
When alive colorful turns of phrases uttered courtesy my father or mother whose ability to...
but much to my relief, said mandatory inquisition (rather inspection) will take place sixty nine days later...
No matter I kept fingers and toes crossed, and waited with bated breath since January 2, 2025...
Aforementioned event interestingly enough coincides with Martin Luther King Junior day.
while channeling the energy of Google exemplified by cute and cuddly moogle.
I awoke from...
Please rescue us from this godforsaken place veritable hellscape, where angels fear ingress....
as jagged bolts of lightning tore thru the the midnight clear and figuratively ripped the sky...
a blizzard of blinding demoniacal highly radioactive fueled banshees (analogous to a...
who did pötschke and squander many an opportunity to become a mensch instead he became...
whenever I needed to append the date to a document
Though the situation infrequently arose ...
alternately titled: a literary retrospective when holiday times living hand to mouth in Penn Valley fraught...
While out Christmas shopping at Mall Of America with Our Spanky Gang of Little Rascals, who should we bump...