While out Christmas shopping at Mall Of America with Our Spanky Gang of Little Rascals, who should we bump...
Even as old (dish) married (spooning) curmudgeon, who receives social security disability...
I prefer to craft a poem for no rhyme nor reason expressing heartfelt pleasure to our...
You can help support the upkeep of CosmoFunnel.com via PayPal.
lurks within the outer limits of cyberspace, where dark shadows eclipse edge of night ...
He seeks (in tandem with the missus) legal asylum in Canada... New Brunswick, Newfoundland...
when president elect Donald John Trump sworn in vowing to accept the following pledge. "I do...
regarding President elect Donald John Trump.
As a cruel joke to self, I imagined...
Post mortem courtesy Doctor Demento yielded Lady Liberty lies slain... videre licet...
impossible mission of mine to bare witness whereby mine (whore rubble) puny phallic ...
I awoke early - now my body will sleep, though thoughts rise like the Azores of snuggling...
I believed fortune cookie maxim cryptic message couched Apple Macbook Pro update process...
Author MZ's note: Yes, Mr. Fallon, I am kind of stealing your idea, but please don't sue me as I have about...
All la names bespeaking deity froom Noah Mo' Room India Arc of Covenant to crypt tick Blood...
despite entrenched familiar obsessive compulsive disorder behavior distracting me courtesy...
Countdown to Armageddon precariously, lugubriously, hellaciously, and deleteriously hinges...
written September 19th, 2018, and following words still ring (more true) today – exactly six years later...
I woke up this morning feeling free I wondered to myself oh why oh why me how could this be no one actually...