Stop this Tug-of-War already

The world we live in, at present, is busying itself with trying to figure out, or rather, arguing the case for evolutionism, for creationism, for the existence of alien life-forms versus their non-existence, whether christianity or islam or judaism or buddhism or daoism or natural science is correct. It has, for some years, been crystalline to me, that all of the polarity and subsequent disgruntlement concerning the abovementioned contrasts are all completely irrelevant to any and all spiritual, metaphysical, and earthly convictions.
Where science blinds itself by dismissing what it cannot dissect, on at least a molecular level, it serves to provide explanation, as far as possible, regarding physics, biology, cosmology, astronomy, etc, each pertaining to and including processes of varying development. Where spirituality blinds itself by attributing natural scientific and/or biological processes to anthropomorphised divine intention. But it seems to escape so many human beings that both extremes are one and the same thing, and inseparable.
When the concept of "all that is, is divine via the M.O of science and all things inbetween" is introduced, it brings a ceasefire and unification between all extremes, as one extreme could not possibly exist without the other. Divinity is the will, the impetus, the drive. Science is the M.O, the means. The same way that an organism must demonstrate a will toward sating its thirst, and its flesh will move towards water and drink, but only if the will exists within the organism to do so. The most tiring arguments, as aforementioned, have no point. Does it matter if Darwin was right, or if Genesis was wrong? Or vice versa? Is it so impossible for people to see that science, mathematics, biology, physics - all these earthbound disciplines are simply the ways by which Spirit/God/Yahweh/Allah/Atman/divine will, intent, emotion, Yang energy, all finds materialisation upon a material plain of existence? Humanity is quick to magnify or relegate Einstein's theory of E=MC squared, the theory of relativity, but look? The fact that you have a personality, dreams, hopes, emotions, a psyche, all housed SOMEWHERE within a body governed by hormones and feral/primal urges and agitations/machinations, initself demonstrates a distinct unity of opposites.
Spirit is merely a field of science that cannot be dissected under a microscope. But just because man cannot run physically viably tests on it, he immediately either dismisses the idea entirely, or puts on the untouchable pedestal of religious, dogmatic conviction. Spirit is a discipline in science that merely requires the accessing of the inner spirit, the third eye, the pineal gland, the chakras and the silencing of the noise inside of one's head through meditation. But, because of the domineering nature of left-brained thinking that is so rife on our plain of existence, and due to the advancement of the false ego and a completely false identity of the Self, this perspective of mine and so many other people, will wait a very long time before it is taught in any school system or from any textbook, should it ever make it that far.
It is also imperative for me to include here, that religious texts like the Bible, the Torah, the Qur'an, etc, are all written by the hands of men claiming to be either witnesses, prophets/messengers, or those inspired by the divine. These books were written by men, a few thousand years ago. The idea of being unilaterally pushed into a state of servitude, into an ultimatum/contractual agreement of "believe in me and only me, or you will burn in hell," makes no sense on any level, and if texts written by mortals are all that are backing it up, then I must immediately respond with a resounding "thanks, but no thanks."
We are in existence to experience, and whatever the lifelines of each form of consciousness dictate that experience to be, it will ultimately be the divine intent that will cause it all to be.
I just find it strange that those who are told not to judge, lest they be judged in turn, are the ones throwing as many sticks and stones and bitterness and acrimony at the atheists, who are in turn hurling science and idealised proof and dismissal and mockery back at spirituality. It really is like the butterfly effect. ink the one side of a page with whatever mess you want, fold it in half so that opposite ends meet, and then suddenly, the mess becomes beautiful, perfect, and meaningful.
Just saying.
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Hey Jaime really interesting write my friend, as a Christian with very specific beliefs, (Seventh day Adventist) I find myself constantly asking myself and others of my faith, questions about what we believe and within my own church there is not always a unified belief, on certain things... but most of my church brethren don't seem too concerned with that reality; and that I find troubling....I'm protestant and there are perhaps hundreds of different Protestant beliefs out there; Baptists, Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Brethren...and each group has their own specific beliefs, now I agree with you about this lame argument with Christians vs. atheists puts my feet to sleep, are we assuming that Christians are in one accord; good luck; there are different beliefs on the nature of God almost with each religion; and like you mentioned what about outside Christianity?....I've read Charles Darwin and have seen documentaries on him, and he was obviously a very intelligent man, did he have an adversarial relationship with the 'Church'? He was a scientist who did what scientists do; ask questions. I haven't read enough of him to even give an opinion on his work, but he was buried in a church, wasn't he Anglican? He seemed to be more religious in his time than a lot of religious people today. From what I gathered he believed in God. But maybe I missed something.
Jaime I agree with your point of view and your basic approach. This difference that 'faith people' and 'science people' have will go on forever, and who gives a 'flying fadoo?' Religion will always be personal. Atheists and Faith people are both religious, the only difference between them is that atheists are going to hell; guaranteed, and Faith people got a prayer; hey I'm kidding of cause....Jaime I read the whole story, it was interesting man, really good writing....cheers...I like how you wrote the pull quoted lines; good point man.
'I just find it strange that those who are told not to judge, lest they be judged in turn, are the ones throwing as many sticks and stones and bitterness and acrimony at the atheists, who are in turn hurling science and idealised proof and dismissal and mockery back at spirituality.'
I hear you Christopher, loud and clear. I fully respect your viewpoint, somebody in my spiritual path needs to respect all viewpoints for what they are, and I genuinely do. I just feel that the concept of 'live and let live' has blown away in the winds of insecurity, enmity and self-indulgence - 2 of countless aspects of the human condition, in this day and age. I suppose all one can do is hope that someday soon, people will choose love over hate and vitriol, regardless of their beliefs. Anyway, many thanks for the kind words here, and the constructive criticism. A good debate is a give-and-take, as I always say. Peace be with you, dude. :)