Sometimes it’s so good to feel grateful for the smallest things don’t you think? In a world where everyone around us seems to have everything and people just want, everything, sometimes it’s nice to kick off our shoes, sit back and just say thank you to whoever you talk to and know just how lucky you really are?
Sounds fatuous for those who do have everything and who have never stopped their fast cars in life to look at the scenery, but sometimes after a lovely meal, I feel so grateful for something that may be so mundane to most people, little things like a meal, I know why this is, and to be able to still after all these years be grateful for such little things, fills me with peace, but, still even though that feeling I had today again is still in my mind, there is something missing in my life that costs nothing and to get that gift I have no power. So not everything we need, want, is too expensive, just as not everything we have should cost a lot of money.
It’s written that we should walk as if we are kissing the earth with our feet, and for those who are fortunate to be able to walk, then yes, that is so true! Sometimes we say we will be grateful for something when we obtain what we want. like a pay rise at work, a new car, a holiday, a new house or other tangible things from people we know. But I do wonder, if we should have attitude for gratitude
Wasn’t its Confucius who said “I was complaining that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet!””
Gratefulness it’s benefaction will go unnoticed and our capacity to draw on it’s gifts, will be diminished if we don’t recognise it from time to time.
Will there ever be a person who is 100 per cent happy with everything they have? I haven’t met that person yet. But we can plant small seeds in our life by opening our heart to small things in life which we normally take for granted!
To me gratitude’s meaning is to slow down, even stop whatever you are doing take yourself to a place where you are comfortable and listen to your soul, your heart and the very smallest thing that has happened that day, think about it, you will find yourself smiling without trying. Breathe and notice what your body is doing as you, are controlling your breath.
To learn to meditate is something I never ever in a million years thought I would be able to do, but I’m learning and it’s amazing. I have tried to do this all of my life and failed, but after experiencing Yoga last year, I feel now it is a gift that I can open from time to time.
Most of you will know I lost my full vision and both my parents who were my life in less than six months. Since then, I sometimes feel I go over the top with being grateful to those who ar kind. I’m sure when I write to people who are special to me, they think I have been taken some kind of drugs that can’t be bought in a supermarket, but it came with the regret I didn’t get chance to appreciate the vision I had when I had it I was too worried about losing my sight and I never got chance to say thank you to my dear parents. So, if I have said thank you to you, in a personal letter, email or message then you know you are special to me. If I haven’t said thank you to you, then I haven’t had chance yet, but I’m sure it will come one day!
© Fiona Cummings
That was really beautiful, and inspirational. You seem like a wonderful person.Â
Thank you for that, it really made me think, and appreciate things.Â
Great job.Â
You write so well Matthew i love your colour poem xxx