The Dwarf's Gift

A brave Dwarf once went mining in the mountains. He was looking for the biggest diamond that he could find. He started to dig a tunnel in the mountainside and dug ever deeper and deeper in search of his elusive treasure. But all that he managed to extract from the hole was tons and tons of dirt and rocks, as his tunnel grew ever deeper. Never did he find his precious diamond of all diamonds, but he never gave up, still he dug in that long tunnel day after day and month after month. Sooner or later he would find that great treasure, the shining stone of riches, which was all that his little heart desired. And sure enough, one day he found his great shiny and valuable stone. A diamond the size of a chicken egg. A treasure fitting for a King. Wealth beyond measure was his at last after his endless toil and sacrifice. He was a man rich beyond measure. But once he had his precious diamond he was at a loss of what to do with it. He had no use for money and riches, as he had all that his little heart desired in his comfortable little home. Whatever was he to do with such a great treasure, that was of no use to someone like him, but only fitting for a wealthy man. He pondered his predicament deeply and realized that the diamond would only bring him trouble and unhappiness, as he was no King or rich man at all, but just a happy little Dwarf mining his days away. Just then he spotted a lovely young maiden from the village who went through the forest picking flowers and herbs. ‘For who are you picking such beautiful flowers young lady?’ he asked her. ‘For my true love in the village who holds the key to my heart. He is the most splendid young gentleman who loves me dearly and holds our future in his hands.’ she replied. ‘When will you be wed then?’ inquired the little Dwarf. ‘Not soon it seems,’ she said, ‘As we have no money to start a family just yet. I shall have to wait a good deal longer. I’m afraid that I shall become an old spinster if things continue like this, because although he is a fine young man, we don’t have a cent to our name.’ she informed him sadly. Just then he had a splendid idea. ‘Take this diamond for a dowry.’ he said, ‘And go back to the village and marry your young friend, and hope that you will both be happy all of your days. May it bring you as much joy and happiness in the future as it gave me in searching and mining for it for so long.’ ‘But I can’t.’ she exclaimed ‘It is your precious stone which you worked so hard for.’ ‘There are plenty like this still to be found in my great mountain.’ he assured her and said, ‘Here, take it, I insist. And may you and your young man be happy for all of your days.’ ‘Thank you.’ she said and took the stone from his hand, more pleased than ever, for now she would soon be wed to the young fellow of her dreams, thanks to her tiny and hardworking new friend. The Dwarf went back to his mine and searched for more precious stones that were sure to make more good people like her dreams come true. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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