"The Feather" Part's 1+2 By Ben Goode 2017-2018 (c)

"The Feather" By Ben Goode 2017 (c)
I was sitting on the ground, looking into the fire from another man's eyes, somehow I felt a grief.
I knew I was Indian, andΒ I could see my face as if looking from outside.
I knew it must be me, but I looked different.
My face was carved with deep etched lines of age.
And my hair was long with streaks of grey.
It was dawn.
I was alone pondering, while the camp slept, and crickets still chirped around me.
A gentle breeze blew suddenly flickering the fire.
Someone put their hand on my shoulder.
She was so beautiful.
Just as I remembered,somehow.
With rich long black hair.
With a flowery, and Earthy scent.
And I felt that I knew her, but yet in a way how could I?
She had a white and red line across her face.
Smiling contently.
She sat beside me, to hold my hand, I could sense her gazing at my face, as I still stared into the fire.
I felt so much better that she was there.
her hands warmth seemed to emanate her genuine care for me.
I had missed that so much.
It started to rain.
And the fire hissed at every drop.
I felt her hands warmth ebb away slowly, and I turned to see her fade into the rain.
She smiled one last time, leaving me with a single feather, and whispered "I will always be with you"
"The Feather" Part 2 By Ben Goode 2018 (c)
Kajika the old Indian sat whittling a single arrow head with grind stone to sharpen it.Β
He sat alone again in the night, by a fire.
He had used the feather he had been given for the arrows tail.
And he knew it would have one single purpose.Β
"Spirit of the winds, fire, air, water and Earth.
I call upon you to lend your ears.
I feel a deep sadness in Hototo's death.
Her spirit lies in unrest. Grant me the courage to let her spirit sing again. Let the arrow I hold find its way to the mans heart who stopped her's beating. Vengeance must be mine. It must be. My tears feel like rain in a desert. My sorrow is soaked within the thirsty sands, where nothing grows. An angry scorpion's tail has stung me with bitterness. And the pain remains. I cannot sleep, and dreams are only of her still alive. I feel punished, when I wake, to have her taken from me again. I want to join her, and I will when her soul can rest. You may take my life then."
A slight wind blew, and the fire flickered excitedly. Thunder rumbled and some drops of rain fell from the sky.Β
"Some of you I know are displeased. But not all of you. And that is enough. I will take the blessings that I have." Kajika whispered. (To be continued)
I enjoy reading native AmericanΒ poetry. Your imagery is outstanding on this piece.Β Phenomenal read I enjoyedΒ this immensely.
Thank you so much, that's awesome feedback :)