The Hell Bound Train

I met the lady who wrote the poem 'The hell bound train', she was one of the most interesting women i have ever met. She offered me Houses and Land, I took them not, what she did not offer I took in secrete. A woman who fought a man quicker then she would a woman, and drank harder then any man and was sexy standing over 6ft tall. When I met her she was all but in her 80's, and her wit just as strong and her eyes as keen. Only she had been a christian the last remaining fifteen years of her life, and came by it in the most peculiar method. The roughest tobacca spitting, gun slinging, mini skirt wearing, fawl mouth woman Delaware could stand. This grandmother with an attitude that would make a pimp walk home, was all she looked like and did all she thought. On one of her escapades, a girlfriend and her decided to go church drunk, and spy on a well known preacher who touch folk and they would fall out. These women came to the church drunk just to call the preacher out and had the mind to do it. But 'God' has a sense of humor all His own...the devil might have sent them, but God filled one of the miss fits with His Holy Ghost and before anyone could blink...the rough mini skirt diva was at the alter quicker then the devil could catch his composure.
"What did you do?"..."I gave my heart to God!"..."that was not in the plan"..."I know"...back an forth the two women hashed between them the nights events, Until the driver parked her car outside pistal peets house while the two of them continued to shoot the breeze as to what would come next. While they were fussing they heard a big bang in the neighborhood and the lights flicked off and then came back on, While it was strange it was not enough to stop the fuss so they continued. After a while there was a knock at the door, and a tall policeman asked if one of them own a car that fit the discription of one of them. "Yes! I own that car"...the Policeman told her that her car had just been in an accident...but the woman told the police it could not be true cause she had the key to her car still in her hand and it was parked outside in the yard. But to both of their surprise, when they went out in the yard, the car was missing...with a trail leading out of the yeard across the field and another set of tracks with a B-Line headed for the house they were in and then the tracks showed a swerved off, enough to hit a light pole a block from the house. This devil attack made that loud bang and flickered the lights in the whole area...
This story that was told to me was so awesome, I told the lady who had become my best woman friend I had known up to then, why it was that she had that experience. The devil was so mad that she gave her heart to God, and felt deceived by God that God played was not true, but God felt that since the devil broght her on His ground God had every right to take advantage of that situation and since choice is always the deal...she made her choice and God made His...the devil would have killed her that night had God not interviened...which is why I took from the lady at her time of death. When she died, I went to her funeral, and it was a big big one. No one in that place cried, cause they were still shocked that she lived and died in the arms of God. Even the preacher was shaking his head at her legacy. I bowed my head and asked God for the angel that protected her, if God would allow me to use him to protect my middle son. I was concerned for my son and wanted some extra protection and felt that the angel that protected this lady would be a good one to protect my son. So I prayed and took from this lady what she would not give me when she was alive. A week later I called my son and told him that i asked "God" for the angel that protected my friend. My son knew the lady and also testified that the angel had to have been a mighty warrior. He did not make too much of it and we hung up the phone. A few weeks later, my son calls me and told me he and his two brothers and friend were in a car accident...the car flipped over seven times and the police on the seen said it was no way anyone could have survived...and when all my sons got out of the car without a scratch...I was thankful for that Angel...nj
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