The Lion & The Ant

A big lion was walking down a jungle path, when he accidently stepped on a little ant’s foot.
“Hey!” shouted the little ant, “Watch where you’re going! Who do you think you are?  You stepped on my foot and nearly squashed me under your big paw!”
“Who do I think I am?” replied the mighty lion, “Why I am the King of the Jungle. The ruler of all animals; great and small. From the mighty elephant, down to the little badger; I rule them all. Why should I explain myself to the likes of you, little ant?” He said with a bit of a growl.
“If you are such a great and noble ruler,” said the ant “you would treat all of your subjects with the same respect and dignity that you expect yourself. Although I am small I am a dedicated and hard worker. I am trustworthy and loyal, and never shirk my duty. Any great king would recognize this and honour his servant in return.”
“You have spoken wisely,” said the lion “and what you say is true; one should lead by example. So from this day forward I decree that no lion shall ever trample an ant underfoot ever again. Go peacefully along your way and labour diligently.”
“Thank you, O great lion.” Said the ant and hurried on his way.
That is why, to this very day, you will never see a lion stepping on even the tiniest of ants.