There were once two daisies that grew next to each other in the flowerbed. The one was splendid and perfect...
Once upon a time in Mighty Japan there lived two frogs. One lived in a town called Osaka which was by the...
The ants were out looking for food one day as someone had left a lot of breadcrumbs on the floor. They...
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When the night’s festivities had been concluded the fire in the fireplace was extinguished and everyone...
The King of the Jungle, the Mighty Lion, once decided to have a grand ball of all the animals. ‘It being a...
A spider once wove an intricate web of silk in order to catch himself a tasty meal. He sat patiently and...
The sun and the clouds once had an argument about who was the greatest. ‘I am the greatest.’ said the sun...
There once was a spiny cactus that grew out in the desert. It had beautiful flowers when it bloomed, yet no...
A cat and a mouse once lived in the same house. Whenever the mouse ventured out of its little hole in the...
A Farmer once had a cow called Daisy who gave him lovely pails full of delicious milk every day. She fed...
It was lovely out on the farm in the warm sunshine and the wind. The white clouds wafted above and the...
The sun, the rain and the wind once held a contest to see for who man held the most love and respect. As...
A school of hake once swam up and down the same reef every day. They all swam with the stream and swam...
In the beginning the Owl was just like all of the other birds. It flew about and hunted by day and slept...
There once stood a big forest full of tall Pine Trees near a large old boulder rock out in the woods. The...
Once upon a time the giraffe was just like all the other antelope. It’s neck was neither too long nor too...
The sun broke crimson red in the east at the crack of dawn. The old man sat in his easy chair out on the...