The Man From The Ashes

It's 12:30AM on a Tuesday, and I am not sad, nor crying myself to sleep. I am not lying here alone wishing you were right here next to me. Instead I am wishing you well for the life you have chosen to live; one far away from me but somehow still a part of it. I think I find peace in the fact that I don't know you anymore. You're a changed man and for the better. Only now, I am curious to see who this man is. Inquiring minds want to see what lies instore for this man who has rose from the bottom of the ashes. It is quite astonishing in all honesty to see this new man that everyone denied would become you. It will happen over again, but now we are new people in this world. I have found myself and you have found yourself, but the questions is... wil we find each other again?
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