To My Dog

Dear Kodi,
I still remember the day I picked you out like it was yesterday. You were just a tiny little fluff ball all curled up and sleeping like a little angel. The night I got to take you home was the happiest I had been in a very long time. I knew that getting a dog was a very irresponsible thing to do in my situation. I didn't have a job and I could barely afford any dog food for you. It is now nine months later and I have a full time job, and my own place. Well, now it's our own place. We have been through a lot in the past nine months. We have moved 5 times now and I still couldn't give you up. I remember the firs time I took you to the park. It was December and there was so much snow on the ground that you could barely see over it. You loved the snow though. We ran all around the park and you started to get little snowballs stuck to your fur. I remember when I taught you how to sit and lay down. You were so small and I was surprised at how fast you caught on. I was so proud of you and me that day. I love the water so I was really hoping you would too so I decided to take you to the lake last summer. Oh my goodness did you love it. There was a moment when you sat at the shore right at the water and just stared out onto the lake. I was able to capture a picture of it and it was so perfect. I hope you were as happy as I was that day. You love going on car rides all the time weather it's to the store or just on a drive in the country. Going to visit my mom was quite an adventure with you. You had never been in a car that long but you seemed to be having a hay day by sticking your head out the window.Your floppy ear stood up in the wind and I could clearly see a smile on your face. I was stuck in a bad place for a while and when I was lonely and had no one there for me, you were. Even when I didn't have a job, I was still your hero. When I had to leave you home alone all day long while I was at work, you were still so happy to see mom walk through the door. When I laid on the living room floor crying my life away you laid there right next to me giving me love I had been looking for. You do get on my nerves a lot. Chewing my phone case and my shoes and my phone charger or getting into the trash or running across the street to fence fight with the neighbor's dogs. Or how you would grab the blankets or towels while I was trying to fold them and play keep away with me. Or the time you were super sick and uncontrollably shit all over my new apartment. No matter what you did or how mad I get at you, you will always be my best friend. I know that you won't be around for my entire life, but I will be here for all of yours and I am going to make sure that it's the best life you will ever have. Thank you for being my best friend Kodi. I will never find one like you again. You're the best mistake I ever made.
-Mayce (Mommmy)
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