The Man's Heart

A young man once was quite wealthy and well off. Still he found that he was lacking for true happiness in his life. He went to see the wise man of the village and told him, ‘I have enough money, I have a good job and I even possess a fine stallion. I have all that a young man could ask for, still I am looking for true happiness and fulfillment in my life. What should I do to be truly happy?’ “What you are lacking to make your young life complete, is true love, young man,” said the wise man to the lad, “Go out and find it and you shall be happy all of your days.” he added. The young man went home and began searching for love. He looked deep underneath the bed but it wasn’t there. Then he opened the door of the closet and peeked inside, but it still wasn’t anywhere in sight. Then he reached up to the highest bookshelf in the room and peered over the top, hoping that love might be hidden away there somewhere. But no, still he hadn’t found it anywhere, and still he was lacking for true love and the promise of happiness it would bring him. He sat down on the chair and looked sadly out of the window, looking about in sorrow and dismay. Where was true love to be found? He wondered. Just then the most beautiful young girl that he had ever seen, walked down the street below his window looking out. His heart thumped in his chest and he ran to tell his mother of the lovely young lady he had spied outside. ‘She is the most beautiful and charming creature I have ever seen.’ he told his mother promptly. ‘It looks like you have found true love after all.’ she replied. “Where?” said the young man. ‘It was lurking deep inside you all the time,’ his mother answered wisely. ‘It was deep inside your own heart always.’ It was true that he had found true love and soon he would find true happiness also when he would meet and court the fair young damsel. Seek and you shall find. Everything comes to those who wait. And they all lived happily ever after.
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What a lovely story, Jac. All he wanted was love,
and he found it. B
We forget sometimes that happiness and love is within. Thank You Bernadete.
A very great write,
Jac Fables,
Well done,
Love is the only way. It's good to see you again. The Best.
Really enjoyed this read!! Keep at it!
Thank You Fish. 🙂