The Perfect Balance

The sun and the clouds once had an argument about who was the greatest. ‘I am the greatest.’ said the sun and shone down from above on man and all of the creatures of the earth with great fierceness. The man and the animals cussed and wished for some clouds and wind to cool them down a bit. ‘See, they are calling me to cool and soothe them already.’ said the clouds above and the next day it was raining and wet all day. But it rained a bit too much to man’s liking and soon he wished that the sun would come out a bit and shine on him and dry his wet bones. ‘So, it seems they wish for me to return to my greatness again, and shine on them with love always.’ said the sun the following day, and shone on in brightness and warmth from above on all creatures once more. But again it soon was too hot for them and they cussed a bit at the great heat of midday and wished for a break of cooler weather and clouds again. So the argument between the sun and the clouds raged on for a week or two, and the one day the sun would strike down, and the next the rain would pour down from the heavens and soak all a sundry for a great while. Leaving them wet and sulky just as the sun would leave them hot and bothered the next day. A little Sparrow sat high up in the branches of a tall tree and watched the argument day by day. Then one day he said to the sun and the rain, ‘Why don’t the two of you come to an agreement and end this senseless battle of wits. Make the whole day partly cloudy each day of the long summer with a soothing sprinkling of rain on man and all of the creatures late in the afternoon just to cool things off a bit. That way you can both rule and have your way each day all year around.’ Somehow this managed to convince both of them greatly and from that day forward it was mostly partly cloudy and partly sunshine almost all of the time. Seldom man would get soaked to the bone, and seldom he would be scorched by the midday heat. For the first time since they could remember man blessed both the sun and the clouds for gathering above each day. For the first time ever all creatures were happy and content under the heavens on high. Sometimes a compromise on moderation is all everyone ever needs. Love always makes for the perfect partners of nature and all things. And they all lived happily ever after.
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It's not always just opposites attract or compliment another .. sometimes glaring differences can be forgot and help to make good .. for ever and always .. Neville
The Weather Forecast. It is partly cloudy very often in summer down here. Thanks Neville. 🙂
It's always cloudy where I live... warm rain in summer cold rain in winter lol. Nice write x
Agree to Disagree. Thanks for the read & comment. :)
Lovely story teaching us something about compromise x
It takes two to Tango. Thank You. 🙂
Senseless battle of wits...good one Jacques! Another gem. B
The Trick is to Get the Balance Right. Glad you liked my Story. 🙂