The Pride of Madrid.

"Just as good and bad are opposed and always confronted, the reasons for pride and shame are relative, few things, the shame of the few can be the pride of many, and vice versa"
The Pride of Madrid.
It happens with shame, as with other feelings, which is relative, shame, prejudice and pride are linked to the human psyche since the earliest times of mankind, but what for some is an insult, for others is a blessing, and what for some is a source of shame, for others can be a pride.
It is all a matter of opinion, and depends on the glass you look at, Irene Montero is; apart from a great professional, a great person, an example to follow for all The Spanish women, a woman who without a family fortune that has been able to position heed, not only in the leadership of a party, also within a progressive government, that for some is a source of pride, as is my case, and for "others" is a reason for blush.
While Irene recovers from the coronavirus, lawsuits against insults, harassment and value judgments endured by dubious journalists and fake social media profiles continue.
In short, Irene Montero, you like more or less your trajectory is exemplary, not only for Spanish women, but also for all the women of the planet, because although the minister works for everyone, her primary effort, her daily struggle, is for them, for all the women of the planet, the minister's portfolio is global, not only for Spanish society , feminism like machismo are two global movements, and both pursue, with greater or lesser incidence, in all the nations of the globe the same things, machismo is totalitarian, and feminism represents the freedom of women, but both as old as the first laws.
The reasons for the shame of others are many, it is generated by all those characters who invent things, or who fable to sow discord, doubt and chaos, shame gives to see fascist parties in a parliament debating the laws, but of a minister like Irene Montero, women and people of good we can only feel pride and the tranquility that in such difficult times are part of our government women and men of the moral , the pride of Madrid.
in a matter of opinion,
everything is subjective.
The opinion
doesn't pick up
the insult,
harassment or
In the opinion
how in shame,
everything is relative.
In Short.
I am ashamed when the repressive forces of my country oppress those who try to escape hunger and wars, shame in fanaticism and global poverty. I also feel blush when football fans drink and get drunk with violence. I am ashamed when a woman is raped and society is violent, when she does not justify, apologises to rapists, there are always reasons to be ashamed,, but that a woman belonging to the working class becomes a minister, absolutely not;
The minister may or may not like it, in tastes there is nothing written that endorses personal delight, but in front of women like Mrs. Montero, you can feel everything... Everything... less shame.
The march 8 demonstration has been speculated as if covid19 had spread through Madrid through the women who attended the vindication, when the remains of the carnival were still on the streets of all the cities and towns of Spain.
Put on the mask,
the most expensive
from the place.
Put on the mask,
that tomorrow
It's carnival.
Popular Song.
And if the virus was already among us since the beginning of February, even if the manifestation of women had been suspended, with the visit of the European ultras and with the carnivals by all the peoples of Spain, the atrocity was already served, and as always happens in the face of any tragedy, apart from the strategy it takes luck to arrive, this time , to the vaccine that immunies us all.
Irene Montero has been one of the first infected in Spain, but as she is a young woman and strong, despite the trance is coming out of the disease, she will be reinforced to fight another virus even more dangerous than covid-19, the virus of fascism, which is reluctant to disappear from the cities of Europe.
"At the beginning of the twentieth century Spanish women were the first to demand rights, and among those rights the right to suffrage was prioritized. Irene Montero in its fullness inherits the essence of Spanish suffrage, her recognition is the consequence of all those women who suffered, and who, in some cases, for the suffragette cause they were humiliated or lost their lives. It includes the recognition of all the suffragettes who, for the cause of law, were left as dead flowers, among the darkest pages of the twentieth century"
The Pride of Madrid.
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