The salesman

Hey. Are you ok?
I'm fine.
You look like you could use a friend.
yeah. I'm sure. Listen, I can't handle anyone's crap right now and no one's gonna want mine.
I don't have any problems and I can make yours go away. Trust me.
Trust. Really? Ha. I've learned that lesson already. Can't trust nobody these days.
I promise. I will never leave. Whenever you need me, I'll be here.
oh really? So you fix my problems and get nothing in return? Come on man, what's the catch?
Ok, I'll be honest. There is a slight fee.
and there it is.
You're making it sound bad.It's not. I do ask for about five dollars. This is my job though. I help people. You can call on me any time. I will never let you down. I will stay with you whenever you need me. And I'm known for cutting deals. If you're not satisfied then just don't call on me again. I'll even offer a money back guarantee for the first one. Let me in. Just this once.
Five dollars? You'll make my problems go away AND you'll never let me down? What have I got to loose? You've got yourself a deal. Come on in.
wow. Ok. Yeah this is great. I could stay like this forever. I told you I could help. You are quite the salesman. By the way, my name is Matt. Nice to meet you Matt. My name is heroin. AND NOW YOU ARE MINE!
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