The School Run...!

**Notes, this is my very first attempt at writing a short children's story**
hope you laugh and enjoy! ???
“Wake up you two, you’re going to be late for school!” Dad shouted with a huff and a puff. Mam, already went to work this morning in the car to earn the pennies. There it was, the sound of four little feet slowly coming down the stairs. Blasting in the sitting room, “morning!” They shouted. “Sit on the table and I’ll do your breakfast” said dad. So Shailyn the oldest daughter, very witty and very stylish for this time of the morning sat on the table. Then after Rian the youngest, funny and some would say a little crazy with a hint of cheekiness had the biggest stretch in the world, at one point I thought she was going to put a hole in the ceiling! They both sat down yawning like two lions roaring. “My favourite” they said as dad brought in two plates of pancakes stacked so high it looked like the neck of a giraffe. Dripping wet with golden syrup and wobbling like the biggest jelly in the world! ”Eat them up you two” said dad “you have a full day ahead of you”
Shailyn and Rian sitting there staring at each other thinking ah no not another day with the worst teacher in the world “MRS WINIFRED Mc QUEEN” “AAAAAHHHHH the thought of it just puts me in a panic” Rian said “all she does all day dad is think she’s the actual queen, put that down! Don’t do that! “Address me properly when you are talking to Mrs McQueen” she would say.
She must be the most snooty nosed, posh looking teacher ever!! “Anyway” dad said “let’s get ready” so they were washed dressed, coats on and out of the door they went. It was a cold morning with the wind swirling around like it was going to lift them off their feet! So they all walked to the bus. As we were standing there a bus came thundering towards us but then stopped at the last minute with a big screech, a sound that was familiar every time grandad was told what to do of nanna.
The doors of the bus opened up and the driver said “Come on you two you’re going to be late” the driver looked really strange, he had white sticking up hair like he’s just had his fingers in a plug socket. He had a suit on like he just came out from the old days, it was very scary, and he had a pair of black sunglasses on which was strange because the sun wasn’t even out at this time in the morning! We gave dad big kisses and cuddles and said “see you after school”
As soon as we got on we looked up the bus and there wasn’t anybody on, the door slammed shut behind us and the bus driver said “Sit yourselves down, seat belts on get comfortable” with a smile the size of an ocean. Both of them holding hands they sat down with Shailyn having the window seat, she loves looking out the window. The bus started up again, this time with the sound of fireworks and all the amazing colours that go with it! Within seconds we were up in the air whizzing through the sky like nannas frilly bloomers that fly off the washing line on a windy day. They shut their eyes terrified of what’s going to happen. All of a sudden the bus stopped with that familiar sound again, grandad! They looked out of the window and seen the brightest blue sky with the sun shining like the biggest lightbulb you could ever imagine and lovely green grass. There were funny little orange things walking around with the odd green one dotted about. The bus driver said “this is your stop time to get off, welcome to the land of bumble bomble” Shailyn and Rian just looked at each other in shear amazement! They stepped off the bus and landed on the softest of green grass, they were greeted by a fumble fomble. This was a little purple creature with big bright puppy eyes with a hairy little nose and a mouth that just wouldn’t shut up! “hello” he said “I am doodles, the fumble fomble who will take you where you need to be, I will protect you from the bumble bombles, the little orange things you seen when you were on the bus, but as soon as I appear they crawl up the gogglers and hide”. (Gogglers are trees by the way) “I have two big brothers that make fun of my nose all the time so I don’t like them” said fumble fomble. I work for the Grape brothers, TO PROTECT AND TO SERVE! That, I don’t like. I prefer FROM HERE TO THERE! That sounds more motivating don’t you think?? Anyway lets go from HERE TO THERE,” “To where” Shailyn and Rian asked, “to there” said doodles “to where? Where!” Shailyn screamed. Doodles said “you want to be on the other side of this land so you can go and see Herbert” “Herbert” asked Rian, “don’t worry” said doodles “you’ll know when you get there!” “There I go again from here to there, I need to see somebody about this ha-ha.”
Doodles takes Shailyn and Rian to a great big mansion with a huge garden with statues of bumble bombles all over but all of them only had one leg, which again was very strange. Shailyn, Rian and doodles walks up the path and doodles knocks on the huge brown door and then runs away shouting “good luck!” or more scooched away, he didn’t want to be seen as using his legs.
The door opened and a scary looking pirate with earrings the size of hula hoops and with teeth as black as coal answered the door. I then looked down and there it was his WOODEN LEG!! He was an angry pirate who was jealous of things with two legs. Hence the statues. “I’m looking for Herbert” said Shailyn. “Well come on in you’ve came to the right place lasses, SHIP O HOY!” he screamed. I think a little crazy as well as angry. There was a horrible smell in the mansion the smell of nannas cooking, that reminds me when I get back I’ve got to put the rubbish out for dad. “Do you want a drink” said Captain McGee
“NO!” said Shailyn and Rian “it’s rude to accept things off strangers” “I’m not a stranger I’m a captain, SHIP O HOY!” he shouted with a squint in his eye. “If not a drink have a chocolate bar” said Captain McGee. Rian still says no but Shailyn although she is witty and very smart has an overwhelming desire for all things chocolate. She carefully unwrapped it and nibbled on it just to make sure it was ok. She smiled with delight “yummmmy” said Shailyn. So Rian accepted hers, ripped open the wrapper and bit into it like she was having a feast! As she was eating it with chocolate all over her face, she bit into something hard, it nearly broke her lovely shiny white teeth, because mam and dad tells her to brush them twice a day to keep the tooth fairy monster away! They are the ones who come and take the teeth away before the REAL tooth fairy comes and collects them from our pillows. Rian, reached into her mouth and pulled out a golden key which had the words ‘pick a door' on it, Shailyn and Rian looked at each other, both confused. They asked Captain McGee “what’s all this mean?” “Follow me it will all make sense in the end” said captain McGee SHIP O HOY! He screamed again. Shailyn said to Rian “if he shouts that one more time this chocolate bar is going straight up his nose!” Captain McGee took them up these long, long, long... Stairs and by the time they walked up Rian was thinking, well that's the chocolate bar worked off, thinking all healthy.
As Shailyn and Rian stood there Captain McGee said “well pick a door” Shailyn and Rian looked at each other and seen 3 doors numbered 1-3. “Well go on lasses choooose” said Captain McGee with that big grin on his face, then hobbled off on his wooden leg. Rian said to Shailyn “which one should we choose?” “Let’s try door number 3” said Shailyn. So they did, Shailyn put the key in the lock turned the key and the door opened. They slowly stepped into the doorway and the door slammed shut behind them. All of a sudden there was a fireman with his hosepipe battling this huge ship that was on fire! There was smoke everywhere! sparks flying all over.
The fireman was holding Shailyn and Rian back and he shouted “get outta here are ya crazy! Get away from here save ya selves!” a burning log that was holding up the sails of the ship crashed down next to Shailyn and Rians feet. At that moment Shailyn and Rian went to run back out through the door and the fireman jumped right in front of them and shouted “the next time you see captain McGee tell him I said if he shaves his beard he will look like a potato hahaha!” then he jumped back into the burning fire to keep on fighting it. Shailyn and Rian breathless and scared stiff shouted “RUUUUUN!” they opened the door and ran back through shouting for the captain to come back.
Captain McGee wasn’t anywhere to be seen and neither was the stairs back down for that matter “we are stuck here” Rian said scared with a little bit of frustration. “Well you pick the door if you think you’re clever!” “I will” said Rian with chocolate still surrounding her mouth like she had been eating a big mud pie, faced down! “Door number 1” she said.
Before they could put the key in the lock the door sprung open only to be greeted by the smartest dressed monkey you have ever seen, but with huge, huge feet! Like the size of grandads bald patch on his head. He wore the brightest of pink socks with black spots on them and he had a nice big pink bow tie. “Hello there I’m monkey socks your waiter for the evening it’s ALL... inclusive!” “Table for two is it?” said monkey socks. Shailyn and Rian looked at each other gobsmacked!! “Table for two” Rian asked “well actually a table for three, your guest will be arriving shortly” said monkey socks. “Guest?!” asked Shailyn “yes” said monkey socks “she is a regular in here, she is a fine woman with the highest of standards, also with a little snooty nose, but don’t tell her that I said that!” Shailyn and Rian looked at each other and thought nooooooo!! It can’t be. Just as they thought that a noise bellowed out all posh spoken “well hello there Shailyn and Rian, I hope you’ve got your homework for me?!” Shailyn and Rian looked around in sheer amazement and there she was, Mrs Winifred McQueen! All dressed up to the nines with a posh cocktail dress on and her hair all put up fancy like it was some sort of bee hive. “My goodness” yelled Shailyn “what is she doing here?!”
“take a seat” said Mrs McQueen, monkey socks pulled the chairs back for Shailyn and Rian to sit on and then put them closer to the table, “the usual” said Mrs McQueen and off went monkey socks into the kitchen. There was an awkward silence at the table and then Mrs McQueen said “so what about that homework you two” with her eyebrows getting closer to that snooty nose of hers. Shailyn and Rian stood up as fast as lightening and turned around like a whirlwind crashing into monkey socks! The meals went everywhere! There was broccoli and fish everywhere, Shailyn and Rian’s worst foods ever! And as Shailyn and Rian turned around to tell Mrs McQueen that they’ll see them tomorrow they seen a sight that frightened them to a shiver, Mrs Winifred McQueen was as red as her glass of wine she ordered, with steam bellowing out of her ears! Shouting “you two come back at once I haven’t finished with you!” Shailyn and Rian looked at each other thinking this must be a nightmare! And immediately shouted “RUUUUUN!!” so out of door number 1 they ran. “That is a sight I never want to see again” said Shailyn.
Shailyn said to Rian “right there is only one more door left then, number two it is.” “Wait” said Rian “what if this is another crazy room we’re going to go into?” Shailyn said “we have no choice! We have to go through it” so Shailyn put her hand in her pocket to get the key and her hand went straight through a whole and the key was lost! Suddenly the door blew open with a great big gust of wind to see in front of them, a big blue sea with little rocks in bobbling about in the shape of a slithering snake all the way through to the other end where there was a BIG! Red door. Shailyn and Rian looked at each other frightened and holding hands. They started jumping from one stone to another, only to see big white sharks under the water showing them their big sharp teeth with the deepest darkest eyes you could get lost forever in, just waiting for us to fall in. As Shailyn and Rian were getting closer and closer to the red door a huge wave came over just in front of them and poor little Rian slipped and fell off the rocks, but as Shailyn was holding Rian’s hand she quickly pulled her back up before the snappy sharks gobbled her up. They then quickly hopped and ran to the other side. All what Rian could do is hold Shailyn so tight and love her so much. With Shailyn being the oldest she felt proud at saving her sister, she was just so glad that both of them were safe, well for now anyway. The big red door in front was a double door and it didn’t have a lock or even a door handle, there was just a big round gold button that said ‘press here’ Shailyn pressed the golden button as Rian was squeezing her other hand so tight. All of a sudden the doors opened and they stepped through it only to find that they had stepped onto the bus. But this time the bus is full of kids laughing, shouting and talking about the day at school they have had. Shailyn and Rian had a different kind of school day. Whilst they were sitting on the bus they looked in the mirror at the bus driver and the bus driver said “have you had a good day at school today?” with a wink in his eye looking very suspicious.
Again, that very familiar sound of grandad screeched out, this could only mean one thing, the bus had stopped. Shailyn looked out of the window and seen mam and dad waiting for them. Shailyn and Rian jumped off the bus with a huge sigh of relief and gave mam and dad huge kisses and cuddles and couldn’t wait to get back home. “What was your day like at school today then” asked mam and dad. Shailyn and Rian looked at each other “eeeehhhh… it was ok, Mrs McQueen is still awfully posh” giggled Shailyn and Rian as they walked all the way home holding each other’s hands. X
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what an incredible write Wayne you are truly gifted with the pen
Wow!! Thanks very much Lisa, this is my childish imagination, it comes back from time to time ?? thanks for your fantastic comment, much appreciated as always ??
Thanks for taking the time out and reading this lovely people ?
What a funny and beautiful write. I can picture in my mind .
???? thanks very much Leah, my intentions worked then, thanks again for comment ?