The Selfish Penguin!

Jeff swiped a fish out of his friends flipper and slapped him with it. Jeff is a selfish penguin he is very fat because he eats too much. He is black and white with with long flippers, orange feet and beak and brown eyes. His friends are called Angus, Jack, Mark, Twinkle the polar bear and Seal via the seal.
Jeff had caught some fish and so did his friends. While they were eating Jeff said, “look there's a ufo.”  So they looked and Jeff swiped all the fish and wolfed it all down at once, he really is fat. They all glared at him with anger and left to go catch some more fish. “Why is he so mean to us,” said Seal Via the seal. “I do not know,” the all replied in unison.
Angus the penguin had an idea they all huddled and started to speak. Seal Via was pretending to eat fish on an ice cliff, Jeff saw  her waddled over there to steal it. As he came, Seal Via moved over and twinkle the polar bear was holding a fishing net underneath the cliff and bam. Jeff was stuck, they got him and tied his legs to a string and made him a fishing rod. All day and all night he was fishing, until he had an idea to escape.
While Jeff was under water he got his sharp, orange beak and cut the string of his two legs. He swam away to the deep blue ocean and was singing, “i’m walking on sunshine. But what he didn’t know was that he woke up a shark, it chased him everywhere. In the coral reef, the old abandoned pirate ship but Jeff hid behind seaweed and waited, until the shark was tired and went home. Jeff was now lost so he went to look around to find his way back home.
While Jeff was swimming home he saw a big fish and he chased it. He finally caught it and ate it with one big, crunch! Back at home his friends were starving because all the fish had disappeared for some reason. Angus and Jack were considering of eating each other, they thought that they were fish. Jeff was swimming home until he met his doom.
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Hello Elie...
"look there's a ufo."
Selfish penguin...
Great write!Â
Thank you for sharing...