Story -

The Winter Blooms

The Winter Blooms

It was spring and all the world was in bloom. The daisies bloomed a lovely yellow and blue, the roses bloomed a deep red like rich wine, the tulips bloomed a splendid virgin white. But there was one little plant whose blooms were dilapidated and miserable. They hung down in shame and would not butter up with life like the blooms of all the other plants. It was a sad and miserable little fellow it seemed among all the rich colors of the flowers in this paradise world of summer. 'Why do you droop and frown so sadly with no shine to your petals?' asked all the other flowers. The little fellow did not know what to say but remained forlorn and sad and lonely. Its flowers drooping and torn at the edges. He was no bloom at all it seemed compared to all the other lovely flowers around him in the garden. Then one day autumn came and robbed all the other flowers of their pride and glory as well. They too started to droop and disappear. The garden was a somber place now awaiting the cold and bareness of winter. The winter was a sad and bitter cold time when no flower would flourish. All the plants and trees were stripped bare of their lovely flowers, and even their rich green leaves had long ago turned to brown had fallen to the ground, leaving the garden bare, forlorn and lonely. Only the icy cold of the frost ruled now, and no flower would adorn this bitter cold day. Just then the plant that was sad and miserable in summer and spring gave of the loveliest shoots of rich red flowers. It bloomed just then and there in the middle of the icy cold winter. It displayed its brilliant flowers for all the world to see and brightened up the bitter cold winter days for all around. 'What a lovely bloom you have become while we all perished in this harsh cold of winter. You are a splendid flower after all!' said all the other shrubs and plants. And the little winter bloom bloomed on in splendor with a warm glow in his little heart. He was the flower of all flowers after all.

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This has such a lovely feel to it .. 

Jac Fables

The late bloomer also blossoms. Better late than never. Thanks Neville. ☘

John Loopstra

I concur being a really latr bloomer, myself. A story full of hope for all those who do not know yhrir srsdon yet🌕

Jac Fables

There is a true love out there for everyone. Thanks John.



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