the "wish" doctor

there once was a man not long ago, who would grant 3 wishes on the go.
he was devieous, and cunning, really not that stunning.
his antics just won't go.
one day a young women did pass, with a basket of fruit, and a wagon of bass.
thinking of a way he could get it for him self.
his greeding ways, and untold wealth.
he told the women that he can grant her three wishes.
she believed this wonky tail because at home she had to do dishes.
so she said, "I wish my dishes were done."
and the crooked old mand snapped his fingers and said, "go ahead run, I'll watch your food for you till you get back."
so she ran, she ran. but to her dimise, the dishes were not done, oh what a surprise.
so she ran back to get her food, and to her surprise it was still there.
with a note saying.
* hello citisen, I would like to apoligise on behalf of this crooked man.
he's been scamming people out of their belongings for years.
we thank you for your antisipation. I've been fallowing you for quite some time. singed the chief
I apolagise, I ran out of room. please enjoy what I have here right now.
singed R.M.