Story -

Tormented Dream Part 3

I shifted slightly from side to side. Gazing upon my hands. There's blood. I looked up and the whole cafeteria's gaze was burning into my skin. What did I do? I tore myself from the security guard's grip, ducked my head, and ran straight to the bathroom.Tears started to soak my face as I started to shake uncontrollably. What happened to me? I couldn't think of what could've possibly gone wrong with me. "Jess?" The principal called scaring the absolute shit out of me. "Yeah..." I said coming out of the stall. "Time for you to go home. You are suspended for a week." I sighed as she scolded me about school expectations and rules. My mother is going to be pissed. 
    Then my mother walked up behind the principal. She remained silent and motioned me to come on. I grabbed my bag and washed the excess blood off of my hands. She grimaced as she watched me. I shrunk into myself as I walked down the empty hallway. I didn't know what was about to come next. We all sat down in the huge office, which she liked to call her working lair. She pulled out some papers and had my mother sign them. But I couldn't see what she was signing. It was as if she was hiding something from me. I couldn't get anymore anxious than I am now. My mother looked at me in the eyes. Her soul seemed to be in sheer pain. A shooting pain rippled through my chest as she pulled her attention to the principle. "I hope you guys get this sorted out and I hope your stay will benefit you Ms. Elvergreen." The principle said as she showed us to the door. I scrunched my forehead in a concerning way. What stay? What does she mean? 

.    As I got in the car, I noticed a bag. My bag. Full of unknown items to me. "Mom? What's that?" I asked as I pointed toward the bag. "Don't worry honey, it's nothing." My mother said as she pulled out on the highway. For the rest of the drive she stayed silent. My mind on the other hand, didn't. Where was I going? What places am I staying at? The only thing I knew was that when my bag was filled with stuff, I was going to Makayla's house. I started to smile slightly as I thought of Makayla. She was annoying but she was so positive and kind. I looked out my window and watched the trees go by as we are going 50 on the highway. 

    I began drifting into my own thoughts, until I noticed that we passed Makayla's. I began to sweat and panic as I gripped my seat belt tightly. We pulled up to a hospital like place. What is this place? Where am I? I began to freak out all at once. A couple of cops started to advance to the car. My mother getting tense as she pulled out some papers from the center console. "Mom, where am I going???!!" I began to raise my voice in panic, repeating the question over and over again. I began to try to feel my way out of the car as I stare at my mother with fear. That's when I heard it. The car door locked. I panicked shaking the car with every movement, desperate to get out. Then the door unlocked and I fell out of the car into the cops arms. I began to thrash out and try to get away but they were too strong. I cried and screamed but they wouldn't let me go. They dragged me all the way in as I kicked and punched the guards, a nurse came in as they held me down. I tried to get out of their grasp right when I felt a stab in my ass cheek. My muscles began to relax immediately. My movement no longer had power and I drifted into a deep dark place in my mind. Everything was silent. But I knew I wasn't where I was supposed to be......


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