Tormented Dream part 2

I slowly moved away from the mirror. Why was I having these nightmares? It's been almost 3 years since the major incident. I thought I must have healed by now, but I guess not. I turned to look at my alarm clock. Oh no.... Its past 8:00am. I'm going to be late. I ran across all of my papers and things on the floor as if I was trying not to step on Legos. I pulled on my dresser and threw out the clothes that I wanted. I noticed that I was moving at a slow pace. Was I really that depressed? I have never felt this way until I started having nightmares. My therapist on the other hand keeps telling me that it's all in my head. I hardly believe that when it feels real.
For the rest of the morning, I couldn't shake it off.
"Hey honey, how did you sleep?" mom said as she was packing my lunch.
"I slept well", I lied straight through my teeth. I can't let her know that I'm not better. It would break her heart. So, I just kept it to myself.
I grabbed my lunch and decided to make my way to school. On the way, I felt a certain rush of grief surge though my body. Making me walk at a slow pace. I wasn't in a hurry. I said to myself. The lights around me got dimmer as I allowed myself to intrude deeper in my thoughts as I walked. My vision blurred at the thought of him. I wiped my face quickly. Not now. No definitely not right now. I reminded myself. I couldn't let my guard down. Especially around the high school. I straightened up my face and walked through the two big front doors.
"Miss Elvergreen? You're late." Said the random lady at the front desk.
I sat down in front of her and waited for my late slip for class.
" It's not like you to be late," she said, "What's wrong sweetheart?"
" Nothing." I said knowing that it was just another lie through my teeth.
" Okay, well if you need to talk, we have counselors to talk too. Have a nice day!" she said as she handed me my late slip.
"Thanks" I said.
Time to put up a fake smile and show everyone that you're fine. I smiled as I walked into class.
"Hey princess! What's up?" said Carter.
" Don't call me princess." I said with a straight face.
"Alright whatever floats your boat." he said with a grin on his face.
"Hey girly!!" my best friend Cassandra. I loved that girl. She was like a long, lost twin to me. She even looked similar to me with her long black hair and cheap black clothes with the curve of mature hips.
" Heyyyyy!!! What did you do this weekend?" I asked her.
She flipped her hair in the sassiest way ever. "I went to my new boyfriends house and partied all weekend." she said proudly. "What did you do this weekend?"
" I hung out with Makayla" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Shes so annoying."
" Then why don't you hang out with me?" She asked as she pulled out her notebooks.
That was the question I dreaded. I couldn't hang out with Cassie. My mother would kill me. Class went on though. The American revolution was being plastered across the monitor. I rested my head on my forearm. Now is not the time, Jess. My inner conscience spoke. I straightened up my posture and focused on the screen. "The American revolution was......" My mind trailed off into an empty space. Just how i liked it.
A few classes passed and it was now lunch time. I quickly ran through the hallways to find Cassie. Where was she at? And then that's when I spotted her with a guy.
"Who the heck is that?" I asked her. The skinny blonde, haired boy grimaced making his features ten times uglier. Yuck! I instinctively gagged on the inside.
" This my new boyfriend, Matt." She said as she stared into his eyes, twisting her long hair around her pinkie. "Oh Matt, this is Jess, my best friend."
" I'm sorry can you put a little enthusiasm into that sentence of yours!" I joked with her laughing.
A tall brunette guy with a build knocked over my tray.....
A blast of food went flying at my face and the whole crowd began to laugh...
"WHAT THE HELL??!!!" I screamed at him as he taunted me.
"You're worthless, you bitch!" He laughed in my face.
The anger was started to build as I stood there in my soiled clothes. I started to see red. My mind was swimming with hatred. All of a sudden I blacked out. Things began to fly and a small crack of a nose intruded the sound in my mind. Screaming and yelling filled the empty void inside my heart as i racked him over and over until I was eventually pulled off.
What happened? I asked myself. I was just fine and then everything went black. What monster have I become?
Any suggestions would help... Thank You for your support guys!