Torn Chapter 2: School

*BANG BANG BANG* It's the sound of my dad waking me up at 5:30 so I can catch my bus at 6:00 to arrive at school at 6:30 so I can wait another hour for school to start at 7:30, good going school board that schedule is brilliant. I get dressed putting on my clothes and socks and such as any normal person would and then head to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. After this I head outside to the truck where my dad is waiting so we can head to the bus stop. The bus runs and I take my routine bus nap. As you can probably guess, the next thing to happen is that I arrive at the school and you'd be right, I get off the bus an promptly head to the cafeteria so that I can wait another amazing hour for school to begin as usual the wait so be bor... Fuck your kidding me right?? What is she doing here this early.
I look in complete shock as I see Saige walk past she shouldn't be here until about 7:15 so this is unusual. I watch as she walks with her sister Sarah. I can help but look at her. She has shoulder high midnight blue hair, conservative make up and a few freckles here and there with a bigger figure than most girls but not fat by any means her hazel eyes glisten as she flips her hair. I am once again dumbfounded by her beauty and remind my self of how it'll never happen, she'd never want to go with someone like me and my crew cut hair-style, Cuban skin and large nose, at least now anyways. I still can't believe I messed things up that bad, It still hurts and badly at that. But that's a story for another time I suppose. 45 Minutes go by and the bell rings for students to go to class so I head off to my 1st period algebra class to start the day off. A few periods go by and I'm now in my Aerospace science class or more commonly known as Air Force JROTC, on this particular day we're learning about survival techniques and how to survive. It went of many subject from knot tying to intermediate construction of traps such as bolas or the popular noose on the ground. After that very informative class in AFJROTC, I head right next door to my Spanish class. In the middle of class an announcement is made for the school to go on full lock down until further notice and we stick to protocol huddling in one corner of the room like grass waiting to get mowed down by someone, but of course about 5 minutes later we're told it's over and as usual it was the monthly drill. The day continues as normal and all the students are dismissed at 2:50. Walking to my bus, I see Saige again except this time I see her looking at me and I definitely expecting that and neither was the poor trash can I knocked over when I wasn't focused on where I was going, once again I was in awe and even more shock than before.
*AUTHORS NOTE: It seems like I need to work on organization of paragraphs more as my last chapter has 3-4 and this one has 2 an possibly more words, leave feedback so that I may improve!! Thank you*