What the Virus Knows

"When there are big changes there are always noble trades that fall and others that by demand start to work, but when restaurants, bars, gyms and leisure shops fall, and ozone, protection, safety, cleaning and all the companies related to the deceased begin to prosper, change, apart from trying to survive in the chaos, which is even logical , should make us reflect, especially those who have children and grandchildren, the world in which they live tomorrow will be the legacy of their ancestors"
2020 Tales.
When I think that after the coronavirus everything will be different, on the one hand, I am excited, and on the other hand I become depressed, only thanks to logic and hope, I take down pessimism and think of the future with enthusiasm, and I dream of a world after the most united virus, more supportive and less willing to the absurd as destructive war confrontation.
When every city on the planet is in confinement, and in all cities, to a greater or lesser extent, coronavirus brings ruin, fear, death and desolation, it is now time in a globalized way to demand all governments allegiance to citizens and responsibility for the pandemic.
When we celebrate Christmas in December last year, no one could ever think that Christmas 2019 would be the last in the ordinary, and that Christmas 2020 would be the first of the new normal. When we think about the bad, everything becomes dark, but to think of a world that is collapsing and another world that emerges, I think of all those thousands of people who have suddenly ceased to belong to middle classes to thicken the lists of poverty, and how they will be able to solve the vicissitudes of the new situation.
Silencio y entidades
abismo y desolaci贸n,
misterio y soledades
lo que el virus nos dej贸,
se lo llev贸 la vida.
Lo que el Virus nos Dej贸.
When we think that we have already lived it all, when we believe that we are bomb-proof, and that nothing amazes us anymore and nothing surprises us, a nightmare of infection appears, that, for safety, we have to live with who we live with, which conditions us from work, to the most personal facet, a world in which relationships develop on monitors and devices connected to a powerful and large global network , a few years ago it would be sci-fi B, unfortunately today it's a fatal reality.
A veces me pregunto
c贸mo ser谩 mi muerte,
o de forma serena.
A veces me sorprendo
pensando en la suerte,
o de forma plena.
A veces me pregunto
c贸mo ser谩 la muerte,
o solo una secuencia.
Morir y Suerte.
In the face of the coronavirus, caution is needed and the luck of not belonging to high-risk groups, knowledge, commitment, respect for the victims and for all health workers who at the dawn of the pandemic and due to physical and psychological effort are at the limits of their resistance, and all those people who deny the existence of covid-19 , they should visit a hospital ward in any globe city. Today we know the economic effects that the infection will leave on the planet, and that will withstand the best prepared countries, but it is yet to define the side effects that the pandemic will leave on people's minds.
The 21st century began with signs of war, with catastrophes and with a touch of authoritarianism legitimized by the Bush administration, the aftermath was seen on the London Underground, in the attacks of Paris and in the bloody attacks of Madrid, on September 11, 2001 all the good people, we also fell with the colossus of steel and glass to the streets of Manhattan , and although it was not as profound as the change of now, there was a before and after the Twin Towers, and the whole world was left in carcinogenic rubble.
How close they look, and at the same time...how far!, those times when people could share objects, hug, kiss and that they could touch each other without fear.
What has to happen will happen, but it is anecdotal that the so-called digital era starts with a biological virus.
"Jessy and Soddy couldn't believe that something so catastrophic could never be a reality in a North American state, and they continued to drink beer and play their card game mocking the new confinement laws, but when protective equipment and air purifiers appeared on the market, Jessy and Soddy remembered God and claimed help , but in Cincinnati after four months of pandemic, there were no more protective equipment left... neither for risk groups, nor for anyone who needed it"
2020 Tales.
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