“When the clarion call of love
Rings across the valley of my soul
There is peace on the ice-covered peaks
Of my restless heart, as my spirit takes wing
Over the landscape of all my tomorrows.
Halcyon days of memories are pressed
Between the crisp pages of life, given
Anew the tempo of precious existence,
Marked by the timeless vigor of being.
Being in the light of existence, casts
No shadow, discernible to the soul.
I am one with the light and lost
In its brilliance as my light blends
With the light of love; it has nor breadth;
Nor height; nor measure of senses.
The forces of human thought and will
Become a sigh on the winds of time,
Sailing oceans of long faded dreams,
To reach the very core of Holy sanctuary
In a heaven stretching from everlasting to everlasting...."
© Annie Johnson
Poets and artists spend their lives learning vivid skills and the art of using words and phrases well. And their words make the souls of their readers stronger, brighter, and deeper.
 Poet Annie Johnson captures a different science as the poetry of reality. She has an appetite for soul calls and contributes to her readers, a full understanding of the meticulous observation and obedience to poetic bliss of this time of contemporary poetry. Science is the singing of the human soul which is called as the poetry of reality and this is perhaps correct, for it is indeed in science that we do perhaps find some of the most overwhelmingly beautiful and truly poetical clusters and elements. Poet Annie Johnson’s below-quoted lines are simple but superb.
 “ I am one with the light and lost
In its brilliance as my light blends
With the light of love; it has nor breadth;
Nor height; nor measure of senses.”
A poet is a human being who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say or express it. Poets know words and phrases are their poetic pathways towards beauty, bounty, truth and freedom, and so they use them with care, with thought, with bliss. By using words well they strengthen their souls
“ Over the landscape of all my tomorrows.
Halcyon days of memories are pressed
Between the crisp pages of life, given
Anew the tempo of precious existence,
Marked by the timeless vigor of being.”
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls, the most colossal lettering are seared with scars. Good observations through the poetic eye’s depicted in the above lines with the elements which are composed directly and highly elegantly within the hearts of earliest poetic souls , and then released in an almost immense blast when those poet’s who left us in this world of poetry garden.
“Sailing oceans of long faded dreams,
To reach the very core of Holy sanctuary
In a heaven stretching from everlasting to everlasting.”
Above are very unusual and simplified versions of poetic lines from the golden pen of honorable poet Annie Johson. The question of the realism of the soul and its dissimilarity from the body is among the most significant tribulations of way of life, for with it is bound up the principle of a future life. Various theories as to the nature of the soul have claimed to be reconcilable with the belief of immortality, but it is a sure instinct that leads us to suspect every attack on the actuality or spirituality of the soul as an assault on the belief in existence after death.
The soul may be defined as the ultimate internal principle by which we think, feel as the real essence of the human body. The expression “holy sanctuary” usually denotes this principle as the subject of our conscious states, while the word "soul" denotes the source of our spiritual activities as well.
Williamsji Maveli  Quote
'Awakening experiences are instants in which our awareness expands and strengthens...."
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