"Ζήλια" Part 3 By Ben Goode 2018 (c)

Georgina had taken Jason to a local strip club in town.
"I'm really confused, like since when have you liked strip clubs. I'm not sure this is a good idea" Jason sighed.
"Don't you trust yourself?"
"No, I just don't know your angle.This isn't you!"
Georgina and Jason reached the entry and she paid a ticket man at a booth for them both, after they showed identification.
Georgina grabbed Jason's hand and urged him inside. The club was quite dimly lit. It didn't seem to be a sleazy venue.
The patrons were very well dressed and drinking top shelf alcoholic beverages.
There was a stage in the middle of the club, where men and women were seated around, watching two scantily clad women dance seductively.
One seemed to skillfully maneuver herself around a pole, and the other performed impressive gymnastic movements. The music was like a mild rave style at quite reasonable levels, so people were able to talk.
Georgina and Jason sat down together at a table fairly close to the stage.
A stripper gazed down at them, and Georgina winked at her and held up a one hundred dollar bill.
The woman blew a kiss back, and smiled as she collected the money. She walked from the stage and onto their table.
Jason was completely gobsmacked as he looked up at the woman.
Georgina just looked at Jason like a cunning Cheshire cat.
"You like her legs, mmm, she's hot isn't she?" Georgina purred.
"Why are you doing this?" Jason tried to look away and Georgina's eyes followed his.
"It's OK, you can look at her, I am." Georgina stood up and placed her hands on the strippers legs.
"She feels so good. Smooth, and her skin is so soft. Her curves so beautiful and perfect."
Nobody seemed to notice or care what Georgina was doing, and the stripper seemed entranced somehow.
Jason looked up briefly at the woman Georgina was caressing, and then he looked down again, apparently quite embarrassed.
Georgina helped the stripper down from the table, and sat her beside Jason.
The stripper put her arms around Jason and smiled at his shyness.
"It's okay honey, she just wants you to be happy." The stripper winked at Georgina.
Georgina walked up onto the table herself, and still nobody seemed to respond to her actions.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Jason asked looking up at Georgina.
"Dancing for you. You have always wanted me. I know what you're thinking, your fantasies, your desires" Georgina smiled looking down at him.
She danced slowly, and skillfully as he tried to look away again.
The stripper put one of her hands on Jason's leg, and the other on his chest. He seemed quite uncomfortable.
But suddenly a voice boomed across from the other side of the room.
"Oh come on now, stop teasing the poor lad Zelus!"
Nobody else in the room seemed either concerned, nor seemed to hear it.
But Georgina and Jason did, and they both turned to see it was Astraea. And he had Graeme alongside him.
Graeme lunged forward in jealous anger, but Astraea held his arm out and restrained him.
"Now now, heel boy, I didn't bring you here to cause a shit storm. Although she'd love it. That's what it's all about isn't it sister?" Astraea shook his head. "This boy with me nearly killed himself over your bullshit. You need to leave them alone, and stop fucking with mortals, it isn't fair!"
Astraea grabbed Graeme and sat him down on a nearby chair.
"Don't fucking move, alright?" Astraea instructed Graeme who seemed oddly obedient.
"Who are the fuck are you, to tell me what to do?" Georgina stepped down off the table, and angrily walked towards Astraea.
The two of them faced each other fiercely, and battle seemed inevitable.
(To be continued)