How many have flip flopped too?
Some claim she's good for the working class...
Most of...
You talk about Unifying the Country...
The VP to President Biden...
Hence, Biden...
Just your views matter?
You understand everyone but, you walk away when people try to understand...
You can help support the upkeep of via PayPal.
Parking Garage becomes Ocean Front Property...
Value rises?
Coincidences still?
Let me guess...
You got another shock?
If she actually accepted would that have done it?...
So how are things today? The spider asked the fly .. All caught up .. The fly replied I...
There's a Sparrowsong on Ko-fi...
It's a Donations Page...
That isn't me...
Don't always think you're being attacked, rather feel that it's observational, so don't be on the...
Bully me, yours truly never ordained, gifted, or blessed with mien mean characteristic...
Our hearts beat our lungs breathe our eyes cry and our tears weep our blood bleeds Our hands...
What hand were you dealt - to make your heart melt, so after looking at the cards, I didn't know how...
Mountains and rivers in different lands, yet the wind and moon share the same sky. I send...
Are you the voice? Are you feeling somewhat jaded? Is it true that one day those who mean harm to others...
If I appear a little crazy...
A little nuts even...
A little twisted...
Look where...
I need conversations to choke on. No more moonlight and no longer desperate. So speak to me...
They say not to play with the gypsies in the wood, but who's the hell to tell me exactly what I...
For years you told your stories...
You left things out...
You edited for your own...