Can you call Congress in Montana if you live in Utah?
Sparrowsong what are you talking about?...
Imagine that we could modulate our life by 10%, improve all our health, remove diabetes type 2,...
Ears! Ears! Cover your ears! All that racket’s gonna shave off years! Help! Help! A scream...
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When Needs Must. Lee.
In the belly of my lowest low, I ponder atop the stair. ...
04/05/2022 Overwhelmed
This really is a thank you poem, For a generosity, ...
He kicked the can far before the keg kicked
He drank himself until he drowned...
In the End
If you were gone today, Not to the shop or on vacation, But truly gone...
Mass murders, school shootings, serial killers, hate crimes, drug overdoses and suicidal deaths among more...
I’m sorry
I’m sorry for any hurt I’ve caused My last ever intention was to ever hurt you...
In the hopes that one day u might notice The feelings and the efforts That one day you...
Farm to table FRESH Freezer to table PROCESSED Farm to table EFFORT...
Thankfully wife as helpmate available, when yours truly feels unswell her tender loving care...
In the morning, I hear the voice of my ancestors. Sometimes they are singing, weeping, and praying...
Matter of consciousness Good things that are done to you already Realizing the past ...
Why? Why do I feel this pain? My left arm numb when I get sad. Right hand shakes....
Dear the mask I wear you when I don’t feel comfortable sharing my true emotions with those around me...
Let's take a break from our self centered race...
Take off those blinders that serve...