Real men don’t read poetry they scoffed .. But then, neither do they cry ..
Acting and yelling screams..
No Integrity...
No Morals...
Feeding lies...
They complain about the lack of attendance...
They condemn Christians in America...
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Mad Dog punched a hole in the wilderness .. Then built a ghetto to wrap...
An Affidavit could soon be with an Attorney?
Thousands are already aware of this Report...
A little more help never hurts...
We can believe it's true or not...
I'll leave that up to...
You're never satisfied?
You hate your Country and love war and crimes and the criminals...
The scavenger crow limps upon his infested feet, Plucking his Stained feast from the waste of man....
All I know is There's castles, then there's cradles. There's hands and then there's ladles....
Flatulated Flattery falling from lips of bile lingers in tainted hearts of rot... Beautifully putred...
Stop trying to tell us what to eat or what to wear...
What kind of car to drive...
Did it really take three years for the truth?
How much of all of the nonsense did you actually...
Do you have a minute?
Sure Sparrowsong, what's up?
I've been trying to figure out something...
She hides and so well behind a makeshift façade of feigned ...
He never came, kept Vladimir and Estragon waiting, how absurd, although no criticisms, lies or...
The mean spirited are the envious ones, just for fun, they block the sun, With high hopes to drag me...
Checking things out, figuring out what it's all about, With a snap it's quick, to turn off others to...