Exalted hearts, lifted hands, eyes looking beyond the cleft of times into the hearts...
Sub Teacher Roll Call High School –Ridgewood Queens Hans Frieda Karl Gertrud...
The triumph begins the day It is not a delay Roses bloomed in time The gardener has a...
Santa i am leading the sleigh leave the compass behind i hear the elves are wrapping the gifts and...
"Burning Lamps Like Star's"
Burning Lamps Like Star's In The Dark Night Set Aglow The Square...
The clean winter landscape is defined by a white sheet. On this canvass a multi-coloured festival...
The Christmas vision remains as vibrant as ever ! Joy stays in the heart as all support one another...
Life can often be judged as a daunting nightmare ! Then comes the season when sure love fills the...
Festive spirit dances in flickering candle or coloured light. It warms welcoming hearts on the...
I went holiday shopping put the tree up sent out some Christmass cards anticipation the smiling...
What is Christmass, without memories? stockings on the mantle, a Christmas carol,...
A time of giving and a time of receiving, a time of love,joy,peace,and happiness, a time to...
On 4 of July the band will be marching in you should be there for that number when the bands come marching...
It's Easter once again be picking eggs in the sun in people having lots of fun! ! With everyone going...