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Star Trek: Flashlight of...

Star Trek: Flashlight of the Galaxy

Through wormholes and galaxies

A starship fleet travels through space


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It's The End Of The...

It's The End Of The World As THEY Know It

Timmy was a psychic,
And he had a vision one night,
He found an ancient artifact,

Poem -

The haunted train of...

The haunted train of Schwenksville

After dark every Halloween
since living social in Perkiomen Valley
for seven long years,...

Poem -

Reality Adjacent to Eternity

Afternoon Tea with possibility

The Universe and I had some afternoon tea, it's interesting what the Eternal immortal said to me,

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Tales Of a Future

Tales Of a Future

We had just departed Earth,
And journeyed to the stars,
We started mining asteroids,

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