Finding Your Happiness

There is so much pain in the world, with broken hearts, addiction problems, financial problems, infidelity issues, lies, work problems..yet we put on a "happy face" and get up and face the day, whoever we meet, coworkers, maybe even our children or spouse? It saddens my heart... My WISH... Would be...
That everyone could come together, decide freely who they choose to spend their life with, include their own choice of family and friends into thier "circle".... Smile every day. Say "I love you" and mean it... Make sure EVERYONE in the house goes to sleep each night knowing they are loved and appreciated and looking for a little brighter tomorrow, never losing faith. And those that live a little farther, but are still in your circle, they need to feel it too! Sometimes we have to learn how to be happy with what we have. All of it is a blessing. All of it....
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