I wait on the lord

I am poised for action
Free of existing attitude I am expecting a reply
It could be a lightning strike or a growling stomach
I will know when you have spoken
My inner being is not fooled
I have encountered a shadowÂ
That tried to confuse me
It was a changeling and I stepped aside
The spirit of God can sweep you away in a Divine act
It can be the call of a mourning dove.
It can be the sound of rain on the roof
Or the laughter of children
I know the voice of my God
I await his answerÂ
If it  is night then day I waitÂ
I wait on the Lord
Lovely write Violet...brought to mind a warrior of God waiting for the command to do his will!!...(there is no vote button so I cannot vote...a Cosmo glitch??...hugs ?
I don't understand why I can't vote...I am able to vote on others right now??!...strange...