one wish for the world

to stop and think before jumping to conclusions
end the uncertainty... the self-doubt, the worry
to stop the drug war and the war on drugs
to stop the fear tactical espionage causing death and destruction
to stop war mongering, fear mongering, terrorizing, taunting and tantalizing
to stop complicating matters worse than they need to be
to start communicating, listening to one another,
to speak our minds without being afraid to get judged
to stop controlling things we don't understand
to stop hating one another or holding a grudge
to let people be individuals, let them be unique
to start learning from one another instead of being afraid to ask questions
the only stupid question is the one we didn't ask
just to stop hiding behind a veil, wearing a white mask
start eliminating the common threat one by one
the saints go marching in and I want to be in that number
society works in a certain order... mess with one number that doesn't fit
It throws everything off down the line causing a wrath... a misfortunate chain of events
a misadventure... a lie overlapping another lie that we invent,,, a circumstance... coincidence
let people do what they want to do as long as their not destroying lives
their is one rule of thumb, we cause our own suffering... all reflecting bouncing feedback off one another
we cause our own peace of mind... it depends on how you look at it... it's all about perspective...
I know what it be like to live in a perfect world, call me Hitler, call me Kennedy... call me liberal, call me a tyrant... call me a suck for shedding a tear... I'm the one who has the rant...