This Lovely Unease

What a difference love makes.
It’s humbling listening to the reasons why people enter into relationships.
Have we not all heard or even said ourselves “she is beautiful”, “she is smart”, “she is funny”, or “I can talk with her”?
In complete honesty, what is being said is that this person fulfills all of your self-centered, selfish desires.
Do you see that?
What a difference love makes.
There is a joy. There is a commitment. There is an acknowledgement of these things. There is a very real presence of responsibility.
You begin to ask yourself what you can give. You meet needs. You use what authority you have- not to be served- but to serve. You test yourself for weaknesses and correct them, for her sake. You understand that this person may be horribly disfigured in a car accident tomorrow and you know you aren’t going anywhere.
What a difference love makes.
This country wants to shame men into not exercising their masculinity. This country wants to praise women who are ashamed of their femininity. Do you know they call horses that submit “broken”? May you not be conformed to their mold.
May you grow in love.
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